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  1. RemoteFerret

    Minneapolis meet 2019

    Had a great time at the meetup today! Thanks for hosting, Feilong, and thanks to everyone for bringing their gear!
  2. RemoteFerret

    Minneapolis meet 2019

    Assuming nothing comes up, I plan to attend!
  3. RemoteFerret

    Band Name Game II

    Shibayan Records
  4. RemoteFerret

    Best JRPGS with great OST's

    I haven't actually played it yet, but the Nier: Automata soundtrack is amazing.
  5. RemoteFerret

    Planar headphones for gaming.

    I've got the Audeze EL-8, they're pretty good for gaming! Although it's definitely worth mentioning that the only game I play where this would really matter is Overwatch, and even then I'll admit I'm pretty casual.
  6. RemoteFerret

    Music Game IX

    Sky Gate - FELT
  7. RemoteFerret

    Audio Technica ATH-A900X Discussion Thread (Formerly A-900X Review)

    Not sure if or when anyone will reply to this, but do you think an amp/DAC combo (E10K most likely) would be a good buy for someone who owns these? Kinda want new headphones but wondering if a cheaper solution is available.