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  1. O

    Minimum Computer required for music-only setup?

    Well, pulled the trigger on one I found on eBay. I'm sure I'll find software and configurations somewhere to bypass or enhance iTunes. Let's see if I can post a pic...
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    Minimum Computer required for music-only setup?

    Not a tweaker at all... I literally just want a box running an OS I can dl high bitrate songs from, store on a wired 2TB drive, and connect via USB to my DAC --> Headphone Amp --> Headphones. I mean, it kind of sounds like the mini is the way to go here. I can find a 2012 on eBay - is the quad...
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    Minimum Computer required for music-only setup?

    Some light reading awaits! Thank you for the comprehensive response. This will help immensely.
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    Minimum Computer required for music-only setup?

    What other mini computer setups are used? I'm really looking for the bare minimum to run Foobar or something and know that my external DAC won't suffer in the slightest. I know people say that the sound card is bypassed with the DAC, but is that a 100% bypass? Is RAM a consideration either...
  5. O

    Minimum Computer required for music-only setup?

    It really does - Thanks so much, guys.
  6. O

    Minimum Computer required for music-only setup?

    I have an O2 DAC/Amp, ATH-7xx and DT880's with a Darkvoice 336SE on the way. I want to use SS HD's for FLAC files. My computer just crapped out on me, and I was thinking of using an apple mini as an option, running an HDMI to my TV and using a Bluetooth mouse/keyboard. Is there anything I...
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    Sennheiser HD650 vs AKG K7XX

    Thanks so much for this thread and all of the follow-up comparisons.  Just started diving into this new obsession, as I've been satisfied for the most part with my DT880's and my O2 DAC/Amp.  After vacillating between the K7xx's and Senn 600's, I was all set to pull the trigger on the Senn's...
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    New Member Introductions thread

    Hi guys, and a big thank you for this community.  I'm no electrical engineer (much less a sound engineer), so i'm looking forward to learning a lot from you guys.  I think you'd classify me as an enthusiast who knows enough to be dangerous but rarely right.   I have downsized considerably...