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  1. smpavement

    Ortofon e-Q5 Impressions Thread

    That's good to hear, Dirt is one of my favorite albums of all time. Not necessarily just bad recordings, but albums like Pinkerton and The Aeroplane Over the Sea are have low production values and can sound bad on good cans even if you have a lossless file. I am also a huge grunge fan so if...
  2. smpavement

    Ortofon e-Q5 Impressions Thread

    Please do, I'd really appreciate it. I'm torn between this and the RHA MA750 :/.
  3. smpavement

    Ortofon e-Q5 Impressions Thread

    Have you listened to early 90s bands on them? Pavement or the pixies for instance? And also, would you say they flatter lower quality recordings?
  4. smpavement

    Warm IEM for rock

    Thanks for the great reply! I will most likely get MA750s but I'm curious if anyone has experience with the eq-5. I found it for $140 so I think that's a great deal considering it used to sell for 200+. I like lush mids a lot and am curious if anyone finds them good for rock.I listen to a lot of...
  5. smpavement

    Warm IEM for rock

    I'll definitely try to test an MA750, I didn't know it was that rock oriented. The phillips I've heard of but I'm not looking for an open back because I like good isolation. Can anyone directly compare it to the ones I have listed or help me eliminate some?
  6. smpavement

    Warm IEM for rock

    I really liked the build and style, but I've heard the lower treble can be bright and too hot for some. Would you say that's true?   Also, have you listened to bands like Pavement, Pixies, the strokes on them? what do you think?
  7. smpavement

    Tinnitus problem ? Please tell me what to do (First post)

    I had an issue like that for a while and my doctor told me to stop using headphones for a couple months. It sucked as an audiophile but the problem went away with rest. Not sure if it will be the same for you, but I just switched to speakers and it got a lot better. Don't risk your hearing for...
  8. smpavement

    Warm IEM for rock

    They definitely look nice, I'm surprised I haven't seen many reviews for it. I will definitely do some more research on it, but I was trying to get something with a warmer signature, because I like to focus on vocals and I already have the FXT-90 which is similar. Do you own the fx650? Is the...
  9. smpavement

    Warm IEM for rock

    I own the JVC FXT-90 and I like it, but its too bright for me and I realized that warmer sound is more my taste. I listen to almost entirely rock, indie, and punk so I'd like something that does those genres well. I like feeling some bass impact (FXT-90 has good bass level), but I'm by no means...