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  1. smliving

    Need help. What earbuds to buy

    What kind of sound signature are you looking for? I would second dark tattoo's recommendation to at least check out MEE phones. The pro 6 are under $70 online at Costco (in Canadian dollars even). I recently picked up a pair of pinnacle P1's which are more $199. But give a great detailed and...
  2. smliving

    Recommendation for balanced IEM's in the $300 range

    Thanks for the recommendations, looked into all of them.  The DN-2000j looks to have more of the sound signature that I am interested than the DN-2000.  With the crappy Canadian dollar both the DN-2000j and the Fidue A-83 are north of $400.  In the end Amazon had the MEE Pinnacle P1 for $199...
  3. smliving

    Recommendation for balanced IEM's in the $300 range

    I definitely prefer in canal phones, as I find the sound quality is way better with a good seal. I've read lots of positive things about the pistons, but I can't imagine that at $20 they will be all that durable (rather have a pair that lasts than require frequent replacment).  My biggest...
  4. smliving

    Recommendation for balanced IEM's in the $300 range

    I'm currently looking for a new pair of IEM's (don't have to be custom) with a budget of up to $300.  At the moment I'm using sennheiser momentum IE's but am really not that big of a fan (find that they don't sound any better than a beat up old pair of klipsch S3's that I had prior).  I listen...
  5. smliving

    New Member Introductions thread

    Hello, just thought I would include a little introductory blurb in the thread.  Just joined but have been reading the head-fi forums for a number of years now.  I really find them the best place for comprehensive information and research when looking for new equipment.  Not in the music biz...