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  1. pinkun

    Why Do RS1's Sound SO Good?

    It doesn't sound good; it just sounds right to your preference.
  2. pinkun

    Grado Drivers

    This is getting really interesting. What if what someone suspects is true? For me, who are the one that owned the RS1, would never have a lower degree of appreciation to the sounding of the RS1. But, in reality, I would have not been as proud as of the can I have currently owned before the...
  3. pinkun

    Need your suggestions where to buy grado reference series

    That's what i'm thinking about Varma. There's a friend of mine who's gonna get back to Thailand in January. Thank for every other comments. PS. the reason why I post this thread is that there is a rumor that you might buy a brandnew rs1 for just about 520 USD. I'll try searching the...
  4. pinkun

    Need your suggestions where to buy grado reference series

    thanks a lot Varma. That's very helpful and will look into more details in the two website. I live in Thailand by the way.
  5. pinkun

    Need your suggestions where to buy grado reference series

    This is my second post if I weren't wrong. Having been told by somebody, there are many stores in the U.S. you could possibly buy Grado Reference Series (either RS1s or RS2s) with the most reasonable price tag. I'm curious and dying to know where exactly are those stores located in (please...
  6. pinkun

    Is the RS1 an RS2 upgrade in every aspect?

    Thanks for useful comments. Actually, I do not tend to move onto the RS1...just my curiosity to know how the RS1 differently yeilds the sound. I have agreed that this might have cause by a bigger ear cups of the RS1 and absolutely agreed it is not worth the upgrade from the RS2. I usually use...
  7. pinkun

    Is the RS1 an RS2 upgrade in every aspect?

    Hi all, I've been here for quite some time, but it seems this is the first post for me. I am currently the owner of the Grado RS2, and I am totally and extremely happy with it. However, having learned that the RS1 is the best in the reference line of Grado family (not include those in...