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  1. bbaskin

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Thank you Sir. I will no longer look at that add and wonder about it.
  2. bbaskin

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    I figured this was probably th best place to ask a question abou the HD 650.   On craigslist some has had some HD 650's listed for $200 for awhile now. The problem is the part that is attached to the headband that hods the cup is broke. He claims they will still stay on your head even with...
  3. bbaskin

    Putting headphones in the Fridge?

    To get a flat response I normally iron my headphone cables and speaker wires atleast once a month. Someone told me to iron my power cords but I'm not buying into that one. 
  4. bbaskin

    Headphones you regretted buying the most

    Ultrasone Pro 900   Not because of bad quality. I bought them last month for movies only and I tried out music with them which I only used to have as background noise. They made me really enjoy the bassier type music. One week later I ordered the E7/E9 combo.   Right now I have on the...
  5. bbaskin

    Help with 2nd and 3rd set of HP's in a months time.

     Would the best one to buy be the 225 if  I wanted to mod them?   I didn't see any pricing on anything, the tab for prices didn't work.   Can I buy the material and do the mods myself fairly easy?  What mods would ya'll suggest?   If I go with the 225 and mod them myself I would have...
  6. bbaskin

    Help with 2nd and 3rd set of HP's in a months time.

    OK I should have ordered on my first plan of action, but I had to keep looking and reading. I'm giving myself no more than 2 weeks to the day and I'm pulling the trigger.   Need some input on a couple of choices. I have decided not to go with the HD 25's for one because of the portability...
  7. bbaskin

    Help with 2nd and 3rd set of HP's in a months time.

    Are the SR 325' really worth the price differnce over th SR 225's.   I'm not really set on $225, thats a number I was hoping for. When I got the Pro 900's I had set a budget for $200 and that was going to be my only headphones. Now it looks like I will end up spending atleast a grand within...
  8. bbaskin

    Help with 2nd and 3rd set of HP's in a months time.

    One month ago I ordered the Pro 900's with help from this forum, they were for movies only. Well music such as Victor Wooten, Stanley Clark and similar music was outstanding. One week later I ordered the E7/E9 combo. I now have an appreciation for music at 48 years old. I work in Iraq and have...
  9. bbaskin

    Ultrasone Pro 900 Impressions Thread

    Proxy, with my iPod at close to full volume there is hardly any sound leakage at all. Listening at moderate levels they shouldn't disturb anyone, even sitting next to them.   Now last night I cranked them with the E7/E9 combo and they leak alot.
  10. bbaskin

    Headphones for movies only. $200-$400 range. Pleeese Help Me

      I know nothing about headphones. I am into home theatre as my hobby but I need some decsent headphones for action movies while the family is sleeping.   I normally don't start threads or post in them I just do lots of searchs and reading to find what I want to try. Most all of my searching...