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  1. PLazarou

    [2021 Update] Venture Electronics (VE) Monk V2, Monk Plus & Monk Go: a $5 earbud that taking the world by storm!!!

    Thanks. I've never used this site, anyone know how they are at getting items to the UK? It's quite frustrating that I can't seem to find anything like this being sold on a UK site, even on eBay.
  2. PLazarou

    [2021 Update] Venture Electronics (VE) Monk V2, Monk Plus & Monk Go: a $5 earbud that taking the world by storm!!!

    Oh! Thanks, I wasn't aware of that. Those rings appear to be just what I'm looking for. This expansion pack doesn't appear to be sold separately however - have you seen those rings (or similar) sold anywhere?
  3. PLazarou

    New M8 DAC from SMSL (9018/XMOS)

    Interesting. Perhaps I leave mine on for too long, burning the display out. But it's possible that your display has faded a bit but you haven't noticed. I didn't notice because it faded so gradually over the course of 2+ years, until one day I happened to play a rare 48kHz track and saw the '8'...
  4. PLazarou

    [2021 Update] Venture Electronics (VE) Monk V2, Monk Plus & Monk Go: a $5 earbud that taking the world by storm!!!

    I'm not a huge fan of the rough feeling of the foams on my ear, but I can appreciate the audio improvements from the better 'seal'. Also, I find the foams fall off too easily, they hold on to muck/are hard to keep clean, and they aren't very durable. Is there such thing as a silicone (or...
  5. PLazarou

    New M8 DAC from SMSL (9018/XMOS)

    Yes I guess it set itself to 100% volume on initial install, and having bought a separate headphone amp at the same time, I was happy to control the volume with that instead. But I'm like you, and become frustrated by the extremely variable volume levels that you get across internet video and...
  6. PLazarou

    New M8 DAC from SMSL (9018/XMOS)

    Answering my own post... as I've just figured it out. It seems DSD playback only works when the Windows volume is set to almost max. I guess at some point I turned it down and never realised because I rarely use these files. Quite strange... huge amounts of static and then suddenly it all goes...
  7. PLazarou

    New M8 DAC from SMSL (9018/XMOS)

    Hi fellow M8 owners, and anyone else who might be reading this... I've used an M8 since late 2015, and it has been great. When I first installed it, I found a few DSD samples to test, which worked well, but I haven't tested them for a long time, as most of my audio is 44.1kHz mp3 or flac. I...
  8. PLazarou

    New M8 DAC from SMSL (9018/XMOS)

    Thanks panzozo, that's a handy site. Unfortunately it's telling me it is 'pending', so the waiting game continues :)
  9. PLazarou

    New M8 DAC from SMSL (9018/XMOS)

    Mine has a German tracking code but I'm guessing it is waiting for a connection from China. It was 'dispatched' a few days ago but not showing up on the tracking systems. With the madness of the Christmas post in the UK I'm not expecting it until next year :D   Indeed! If I can't tell the...
  10. PLazarou

    New M8 DAC from SMSL (9018/XMOS)

    Decided to give one of these a shot. I appear to have purchased from Pericross also, so no idea when it might arrive.
  11. PLazarou

    Schiit Modi USB DAC

    That makes sense, and I think you're right - I need to bite the bullet and try a better DAC just to satisfy my curiosity.
  12. PLazarou

    X-Fi HD / Digital Music Premium HD query

    Well I'm glad I'm not the only one :) When I really struggle to hear the difference between what is supposed to be a dramatically better file with so much more data, I become pretty sceptical about all of these very precise differences that many people describe on this forum, even between sets...
  13. PLazarou

    X-Fi HD / Digital Music Premium HD query

    I have Foobar's ASIO component installed. Under Preferences, Output, Device, there is drop-down menu that is normally selected as "DS: Speaker (USB Sounder Blaster HD)". I can select the option "ASIO: Creative Sound Blaster ASIO" instead, which plays 48kHz and 96kHz tracks fine, but any 44.1kHz...
  14. PLazarou

    New M8 DAC from SMSL (9018/XMOS)

    It's not so much a case of being not satisfied - the headphones are distinctly better than my old pair and the amp is satisfying to use (particularly the crossfeed switch). It's more a case of wondering whether I'm hearing what I'm supposed to be hearing, whether the X-Fi is really giving the...
  15. PLazarou

    New M8 DAC from SMSL (9018/XMOS)

    Any particular reason why I should pick the M8 over the Modi 2 Uber? :)   I've posted some more detail about my situation in this thread:   Seems like not many people visit that part of the forum...
  16. PLazarou

    X-Fi HD / Digital Music Premium HD query

    Bumping with an update... eventually somebody might reply... *sniff*   I'm now the proud owner of some Sennheiser HD650 headphones and a Meier Audio Corda Jazz amplifier. As I mentioned, I'm using an X-Fi HD as a DAC.   Naturally I tried the HD650s on the X-Fi headphone output first, as this...
  17. PLazarou

    New M8 DAC from SMSL (9018/XMOS)

    I'm interested particularly in terms of headphones. I already have a dedicated headphone amp (Corda Jazz) so I'm looking for a neat standalone DAC to go with it.
  18. PLazarou

    New M8 DAC from SMSL (9018/XMOS)

    I remain interested in this M8. I'm looking at it in comparison to a Schiit Modi 2 Uber, as I seem to be able to buy them for roughly the same price in the UK.   Looking at the various specs of SNR, THD, etc, much of which I'm not going to pretend to understand, the M8 appears to be superior...
  19. PLazarou

    Schiit Modi USB DAC

    I see. The suggestion is that the X-Fi HD has to use Windows' DirectSound to resample any 44.1kHz track to 48kHz to play it back, and this reduces quality and colours the sound. Would that be a fair statement?   I've been using this X-Fi HD for years in blissful ignorance, but now I'm looking...
  20. PLazarou

    New M8 DAC from SMSL (9018/XMOS)

        Thank you for both of your replies! And thank you Katji for the amount of detail you provided. There is a lot to digest. So would it be fair to say that a USB-powered DAC is most susceptible to audio problems, a compact desktop DAC with a standard power adapter somewhat less so, and...
  21. PLazarou

    New M8 DAC from SMSL (9018/XMOS)

    Can someone explain why this DAC offers a power supply that is bigger than the unit itself? I don't understand why some highly-regarded DACs are tiny and run off a basic wall wart or even just USB, whereas this P1 supposedly dramatically improves sound quality. Is it because the included adapter...
  22. PLazarou

    Schiit Modi USB DAC

    Hello! Am I correct in thinking the Modi 2 can play back 44.1kHz content natively? I ask because I use an X-Fi HD, which appears to use the same AK4396 chip, but apparently can't do 44.1kHz without resampling.   I've asked about this here...
  23. PLazarou

    X-Fi HD / Digital Music Premium HD query

    Another bump, with some more info... I just discovered this detailed review of the X-Fi HD:   The conclusion is that the headphone output sucks (sounds fine to me, but don't have the Sennheisers yet) but the...
  24. PLazarou

    X-Fi HD / Digital Music Premium HD query

    Hope it's ok to give this a bump as it was dropping into oblivion with no views... any thoughts appreciated :)