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  1. Eedwhatever

    Whats the easiest way to convert...

    Using Foobar, worked great. Thanks guys =]
  2. Eedwhatever

    Best DAP suporting FLAC ???

    is there a program converting FLAC to lets say apple lossless or wma lossless?
  3. Eedwhatever

    **** What ARE BOSE!

    I would rather think that bose would match his personality in some subtle way.
  4. Eedwhatever

    V-Moda Vibe in Canada?

    V-moda vibe definetly worth it its rankd higher than other iems at its price range it also looks very ool as a bonus the bassfreqs are all bass the bass thumps into your ears that they are almost scary good luck:
  5. Eedwhatever

    my first pair of real phones arrived today after 2 months

    Hey vipe! hey haven't talked you you guys for so long i miss you all from the meet !!!! when's our next? yea, now i'm just hoping that i'll like the shures cause of its neutralness and use the vibes for fun use... the vibes are taking SO LONG.... yes and i just found out lossless makes a...
  6. Eedwhatever

    my first pair of real phones arrived today after 2 months

    yea i was assuming that these kinda impressions were too common at the headphones's forum, so i was trying it out here for some friendly feedback insead of a more analytical feedback, such as yours. the phones were from a not well known store they tend to sell things at manufacture's price...
  7. Eedwhatever

    my first pair of real phones arrived today after 2 months

    ok, e500 for $319 (poor student) ....waited for 2 months, they are FINALLY HERE! just wanted to share this with you guys i first tried them on, the black foamies are the best i think but since i only have 1 of those, i'll keep them somewhere special for now i have lots of yellow foamies, so...
  8. Eedwhatever

    Put the Best Skin Ever on my 5.5G yesterday

    THE SHIELD ROCKS!!!! ITS AWESOME my friends were freaking out when they saw me scratching a key on the ipod!
  9. Eedwhatever

    V-Moda Remix or Sony MDR-E888?

    the remix-m's have a really clear detailed mid - high range very good earbuds indeed they also come in different colours if you favor BUDS.... then i would go for the remix
  10. Eedwhatever

    HD580 just dropped to $125 on

    These don't even ship to CANADA! dang it..
  11. Eedwhatever

    V-moda Vibes... The review is finished. (56k beware, big pics...)

    yes 1 year warranty. whoops sorry my bad. arg! still waitng for the vibes i ordered.... WHY doesn't USPS give tracking?!?!? ITS TAKING SO LOOOOING!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT
  12. Eedwhatever

    Fuming at Apple, need advice

    ITs apple, what kind of attitude do you expect from them? cough cough Apple CEO cough since they're selling so many products, they won't bother pleasing customers but 1 day...1 day...they'll get it!
  13. Eedwhatever

    Ipod vs. PDA?

    keep it simple ipod has a better sound card than the PDA trust me, i've been there before...
  14. Eedwhatever

    How cold is too cold for headphones?

    i think you should be more worried in getting them wet when you enter a warmer enviornment. like with your glasses
  15. Eedwhatever

    Are IEM's dangerous during takeoffs?

    portables amps are okay according to some head-fiers, they had no problems with it. thanks for the post! i would becareful with these IEMS on planes now
  16. Eedwhatever

    Help me pick my first IEM's, please.

    i'll suggest you the v-moda vibes very detailed sounds, but it does not noise-cancel it is an iem tho $101 u get 2 years of warranty they fit comfortabally and wearable in bed too~!
  17. Eedwhatever

    iPod Freezes - LITERALLY!!

    the HD needs to be warm to run normally so yea, either you put it inside your clothing or get the suffle
  18. Eedwhatever

    Headphones for my sis

    sony?!?! nevermind, i'll just pretend i didn't see that v-moda remix m are very good earbuds, but they are earbuds the bass freqs are iems that will actually punch the bass outta the phones lol if you want iems with good SQ $60 is going to get you no where buddy can you raise the budget a...
  19. Eedwhatever

    Shure e2c's vs. V-moda Vibes vs. Bose IE Triports

    if ur only going for sound isolation, go for shures e2cs if u can stand some outside sound, go for the vibes and you won't be looking for another pair of iems for a long time
  20. Eedwhatever

    For Big Fans of the Shure E4's....

    those look awesome!!! way da go!
  21. Eedwhatever

    shure m5??

    sure looks pretty pretty fake
  22. Eedwhatever

    UM2 + UM56 = OMG!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by audiomagnate Blue Dragon
  23. Eedwhatever

    Shure e2c's vs. V-moda Vibes vs. Bose IE Triports

    are you sure these are the only options you've got? the Vibes have little isolation but SQ are by far better than the other two the e2c are very muffled..or..bassy if you would like it the vibes are more clear and detailed some even say they could compete with the e5c, without the...
  24. Eedwhatever

    Jessica Alba with Shure E5c

    so, shure with glasses is NOT a problem