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  1. ZenFountain

    Wierd sound in left cub of DT-770pro

    I recently found after recommissioning my old DT-770s that hair had actually found its way all the way into the back of the driver. I had to completely disassemble the right side by removing some of the glue, carefully pulling out the driver, and even more carefully removing two small strands of...
  2. ZenFountain

    HIFIdiy's mini USB DAC MK2--Also a headphone amp!

    I suppose the next logical question before I order the Elpac power supply is whether the improvement is worth the cost or if it's just something that's nice to have. I'm also using AD700's and might even get my DT-770's fixed one of these days.   Thanks for the link and all the help...
  3. ZenFountain

    HIFIdiy's mini USB DAC MK2--Also a headphone amp!

    Mine came in the mail yesterday with a Tangya 12v, 2a power supply that has an input voltage of 180-220v. First thing I did was go to Radio Shack looking for the 15v power supply but all they had was a 12v, 1.5a model for like $27. So...I figured what the hell and tried the included Tangya power...
  4. ZenFountain

    HIFIdiy's mini USB DAC MK2--Also a headphone amp!

    Well I ordered the MK2 SE, not sure if it comes with a power supply or not.   At any rate can someone recommend me a decent one?
  5. ZenFountain

    HIFIdiy's mini USB DAC MK2--Also a headphone amp!

    Anyone know what the difference between the MK2 and MK2 SE is? All I can see is the non-SE version comes with a power adapter, which I read wasn't very good anyway.   I'm about to order one and would like to know which one to get and whether I should get a different power supply.
  6. ZenFountain

    DT-770s, repair or scrap?

    Low frequency distortion, most pronounced by light, punchy bass is the best I can describe it.
  7. ZenFountain

    DT-770s, repair or scrap?

    I guess it had never occurred to me that it might be the cable. How would I test to see whether it's the cable or driver that has gone bad?
  8. ZenFountain

    DT-770s, repair or scrap?

    Two years ago the drivers on my 770s went wonky and rather than fixing them I packed them in the box and let them collect dust. My other cans just bit the dust and I'm wondering if it might be worth it to send the 770s back to to Beyerdynamic for repair. I'm curious if anyone has had experience...
  9. ZenFountain

    FLAC is brighter than WAV

    Next thing you know this guy will be arguing that hard drive rotational speed and platter density has some kind of effect on digital audio. I read perpendicular recording is **** for hi-fi!
  10. ZenFountain

    Hotrodding the X-Fi: A Layman's Guide (No 56k)

    Quote: Originally Posted by AngryGuy I received my opamps today. I wanted to try replacing one on my audigy 2zs before I messed with my X-Fi, but i'm not sure which chip it is. I circled the one in this picture that I think is right: I am also curious about the Audigy 2 ZS, let...
  11. ZenFountain

    DT770's - What am I doing wrong here?

    Quote: Originally Posted by ericj And yeah, sometimes drivers do blow out. Have you checked your source to make sure you're not getting DC out of it? Over time, a high DC offset could certainly do some damage. How do I check this? ** I took both sides totally apart, cleaned...
  12. ZenFountain

    DT770's - What am I doing wrong here?

    Heh, well i'm not too hairy but yeah there was some hair lodged in the foam cover. I took out the snap ring and cleaned off the foam really well and also inspected the white cloth that covers the driver. I'll try dusting it out with some compressed air as well I suppose and getting a shorter...
  13. ZenFountain

    DT770's - What am I doing wrong here?

    Hmmm, so about 6 weeks ago (early January) my first pair of DT770's (80 ohm) started getting some distortion on the low end in the right hand driver after ~800 hours of use. I cleaned every spec of debris from them and tried two amps but clearly the driver was going bad. The dealer I bought them...
  14. ZenFountain

    Little Dot 2++ Tube Rolling

    I know this thread is for the LD2++, but I was wondering if someone could give me advice on replacement tubes for my standard LD2. The stock tubes have 1000+ hours on them and are not looking so hot...I have no idea what the life expectancy of a tube is or what to look for in a bad tube so any...
  15. ZenFountain

    Foobar, wish I'd done it earlier

    foobar has native integration of replay gain scanning & tagging and it's fun to play with if you enjoy that kind of thing. it's not as easy as click and go for getting a decent ui built, but it's also not terribly difficult if you put your mind to it.
  16. ZenFountain

    Official Foobar Gallery

    well there's about 5 hours of tinkering.
  17. ZenFountain

    Official Foobar Gallery

    I wish I could get a single column build like HiFiRE has...don't have my PhD in foobar pluggins yet though.
  18. ZenFountain

    Gaming - am I limited to X-Fi?

    who cares about EAX? I play UT2k4 every day online and a couple other games from time to time with my rig and love it. I was one of those people who thought, gee guess I need a Creative card for gaming, so I bought an x-fi and had it relisted on eBay 2 weeks later.
  19. ZenFountain

    What CD/DVD are you using to rip your music?

    I use a 52x CD-RW / 16x DVD-ROM combo drive and read speed max out around 10 for a disk in perfect shape. Total rip time is also going to vary quite a bit on the quality of the disk and cpu speed for the actual compression. For a decent disk it takes me ~25 min as well.
  20. ZenFountain

    another "help me pick a soundcard!"

    been very happy with the chaintech av-710 / entech 203.2 combo on my DT770's...also using a LD amp.
  21. ZenFountain

    DT770 bad driver....

    eh, sorry to bump a thread that 2 months old but I have been having this problem with my DT770/80's too. first people told me to check for hair in the foam cover and I cleaned that all up, but still had a little distortion. so today I got adventurous and snapped out the driver assembly to...
  22. ZenFountain

    Moore's Law as applied to head-fi

    I always wondered how people keep track of the # of hours they have on gear. What do they do, sit there with a timer and when the proscribed "burn in time" arrives kick back and say "omg now the good sound begins!"? sorry to sound cynical but it's one thing I also never understood about...
  23. ZenFountain

    give up on foobar2000

    I think foobar with columns ui is perfectly fine. it takes maybe a few hours to get the coding for building your own column setup and picking the colors & font. those single column setups on hydrogen audio with album art, libraries, fancy fonts, ect. are nice but you don't need a PhD in foobar...
  24. ZenFountain

    I hate imposers that steal avatars

    why not just PM them and ask them to change it?