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  1. jarnauga

    Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone

    I only want to put here this: 2005 review, (13 years ago!) of the DT880 250Ohm, look at the description on how the sound is presented and how the general FR is perceived. Reviewer's source is Meridian G07, amplifier is Headamp GS-1. My source...
  2. jarnauga

    Audeze LCD-4z - Impressions Thread

    Another question for users here with experience in this kind of very low impedance/planar headphones. There is a healthy bunch of amplifiers around (only power or integrated) not for headphones, mind you, with lovely tubes (or First Watt amps) and a very low (in Watts) output: 1.5W, 2-3W, 4W...
  3. jarnauga

    Audeze LCD-4z - Impressions Thread

    Perfect response! That is the information I need to hear. It seems your tastes match closely mine as I suspected and that was the reason to ask. Classical music, mainly orchestral but a healthy doses of chamber as well, almost no opera nowadays. There is a lot of information around and many...
  4. jarnauga

    Audeze LCD-4z - Impressions Thread

    If you don’t mind, as a fellow K712 user and violin concerto lover, I will be inmensely grateful to know how is the tone and timbre of this instrument in the LCD-4z. There are few opportunities for me to read feedback from an owner and my favourite music is not very often portrayed in most of...
  5. jarnauga

    Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone

    Different batches, different suppliers of source materials, magnets, etc., price reduced a lot officially, a change in the damping material, I don't know. It is a different tune, it is more like the normal sound signature of a beyer. My DT770Pro-250 from 9 years ago was exactly the same as...
  6. jarnauga

    Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone

    I will be clear here. I sold my first pair. I regret it a little bit. It did some bits great (really really great) but other sound features/signature were not up to the task I want them for. After a good thought I did something I never do: I bought a second new pair, just few weeks after the...
  7. jarnauga

    Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone

    I finally sold them a couple of days ago (at a loss but it is what it is). After trying to make them work for me and my music, I couldn't. I like how well built they are, and they are beautiful. I like many things about their sound (clear, resolution, speed, microdynamics, neutrality of the...
  8. jarnauga

    The AKG K712 Pro Support and Impressions Thread

    Just to be clear, are you talking about the pro-ject head box ds2 b? Because if you are talking about this one, oh, my body is ready. I’m trying so hard to find the right amp that delivers the current and power that my beloved akg demands and deserve. I have a wonderful lehmann audio linear...
  9. jarnauga

    Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone

    After the 6th hour things improved a bit. I have to adjust the volume to a slightly lower setting. It is still IN YOUR FACE, like shouty and loud, but a bit less. I tested it with different sources now, worse ones (computers and foobar2000). It is still very detailed, it is still capable of...
  10. jarnauga

    The Stax Thread III

    Hi, maybe you are aware and I didn't check the thread (or did a call to the shop linked), so sorry in advance, but just in case: there is a Stax DAC-X1t for sale in Emporium HiFi (UK) at The list was updated on the 9th of September and...
  11. jarnauga

    AKG K501 love...

    Exactly my setting. I discovered this issue with my linear after few tests with the amp -5 years ago or so-. The gain, through feedback I suppose, is horrendous and put distortion that is noticeable with this cans. It doesn't matter. You put them on '3' and they sound wonderful (3 to 5, to the...
  12. jarnauga

    Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone

    Thank you to both of you for the feedback regarding dynamic range, clarity, musical genre and soundstage; it is really useful. I couldn't resist to do a couple of more test before I put them to rest for a while/to play music non stop inside a drawer in my office. I bought another disk: Elgar...
  13. jarnauga

    Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone

    For a professional monitor tool this sound signature is surprising. They already have the DT1770 as well. Narrow and upfront is not very compatible with orchestral music. I don't know, I'm confused at this moment. I will try to put hours on them in an automatic mode somewhere and then reassess...
  14. jarnauga

    Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone

    Hi, it's for me a bit too soon to clearly say what they are capable of. I bought them few days ago and I can only play like less than 3 hours. Here are my findings, so far. It's Linn Akurate CD player >> Lehmann Audio Linear >> DT1990Pro The company around are K501, K712 Pro (Austrian) and...
  15. jarnauga

    The AKG K712 Pro Support and Impressions Thread

    Hi happy AKG K712Pro users, I want to address a different issue that I saw few days ago in a review. I think in this very site. The reviewer assessed the treble as 'slow'. I doesn't understand how it can be. I will try to explain my confusion: I only do digital but I have a good...
  16. jarnauga

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Dear diary, what I did yesterday. How to guide of enjoying life (a ‘sometimes after a rough day/week/period I know what humour me the most’ guide): Pick up a source, CD player if possible. Nothing fancy or even new. No complex layouts or preparations. Straight and simple. Neutral, slightly...
  17. jarnauga

    Professional amplifier from YouTube video - need identification

    hi, In this video: At 2:13 - 2:16 the violinist is checking the recording with a pair of HD600 and a professional XLR only amplifier. It is only shown from the back. Can anybody help me or guess which one it is? Thanks,
  18. jarnauga

    The AKG K712 Pro Support and Impressions Thread

    After a few weeks of enjoying my not so new toy I can say my experiences went from very good to 'what's that?' to 'aha!' to 'what happened?' to 'now I understand'.   In a sense they are the same 'kind' of tool you can find in a Beyer 770 250Ohm. So it is up to you to bring with your software...
  19. jarnauga

    The AKG K712 Pro Support and Impressions Thread

    I don't think they are cold if you are using the word as a sound signature. They are cold as a 'mind-induced-state' signature. I will try to explain:   In my case, with my music in my equipment, the resolution and speed render very affected and warm interpretations (not recordings) a bit too...
  20. jarnauga

    The AKG K712 Pro Support and Impressions Thread

    I don’t test headphones or equipment to make my mind around which is better. I try to assess the sound in my frame of reference of what I want from the sound or what is happening to me when I was exposed to it.   If it is what I want or I feel better, then fine. Or amused, or chilled. Then...
  21. jarnauga

    The AKG K712 Pro Support and Impressions Thread

    Hi everyone,   I want to do a sort of review or assessment of the kind of sound(s) or outcome in my listening habits that happened to me in the very few first days of my ownership.   I was delighted with the sound of my beloved K501 so far. My only regret was why a couple of recording...
  22. jarnauga

    Reply to review by 'jarnauga' on item 'Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO Closed Studio Headphones - 250 Ohms'

    For lovers of very expressive music that plays a lot with pianos and fortissimos, for layers of details in distance and volume, this is a good tool. The quiet environment and the easyness for the sounds that live in the range where the structure of the music is are the culprit of the good music...
  23. jarnauga

    Reply to review by 'jarnauga' on item 'Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO Closed Studio Headphones - 250 Ohms'

    I couldn't agree more. Just two things: yes, the mids are a bit less noticeable than the rest, a bit 'recessed', with a bit less volume so you won't understand so much about the music that lives there if that music has also a lot of things going up and down in the frequency range... The...
  24. jarnauga

    Audio Technica ATH-L3000, the only High-End AT?

    My ath-A900Ti sounds boomy and congested. I was enjoying them for a while until I had several headaches and I believed it was the recording. At the begining I don't understand what happen but I could obtain a brand new K501 and it's obvious to me that I have a problem with those cans. I...
  25. jarnauga

    The Sennheiser HD 800: The First Listen, The First Review

    Quote: Originally Posted by Drumonron The following is impressive, thoughtful and indicative of the quality that went into this piece of Audophile technology: The Earpads of the HD800 are made of special high quality Alcantara®, which is a unique, innovative material, used to cover...