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  1. vasilli

    TORONTO MEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Failing to find a suitable place I can volunteer my humble apartments in Waterloo for the meet. I can probably fit around 20 people. May have to get creative with space to properly display all the gear.
  2. vasilli

    Best headphone amp for Musical Fidelity system

    Thank you for your suggestion, guys. I'm going to make it a little easier. I have narrowed down my choices. (See edit). Please comment.
  3. vasilli

    Best headphone amp for Musical Fidelity system

    Good day headfiers. I've been a lurker for a year and while not having posted anything, I got infected by this site and and will soon be the owner of K701s (after much thought choosing b/w them and the HD650s). I am also picking up a Shure ES530 (for which I will need a good portable amp but...
  4. vasilli

    TORONTO MEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If we do get something going I may be able to invite Steve from Soundstage Fine Audio to come w/ a demo rig. Just a though. P.S. I just ordered my first set of real headphones off Ebay. Shure ES530 should be coming in a week or two. :-D Also shopping for K701s.
  5. vasilli

    TORONTO MEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm from Waterloo, but I'd be interested in a TO meet. Ottawa and MTL are just too far.
  6. vasilli

    How to "enjoy" music?

    You weren't listening... in his sleep, foo!
  7. vasilli

    IC: (Another) GTA/Toronto Meet?

    I'll be coming either from Maple or directly from Waterloo. I could give a ride to 3 ppl. Contact me via vasilli at hotmail dot com to make arrangements.
  8. vasilli

    Post Pictures of your car

    LuckyKarma, Best picture ever!
  9. vasilli

    Post Pictures of your car

    My baby, in all its beauty.
  10. vasilli

    What Are You Listening To Right Now? [#5]

    Groove Salad stream on A nice mix of ambient and chillout. (open in winamp)
  11. vasilli

    How to "enjoy" music?

    Patrick, To "enjoy" the music in the way you're trying to first means finding music that you like. Some one suggested listening to opera. I don't think that will help at all if you're not predisposed to that genre. Somebody mentioned you listen mostly to electronic music. Maybe you just...
  12. vasilli

    IC: (Another) GTA/Toronto Meet?

    I would be interested in showing up. I must say that I'm a total noob and own no gear. Will you let me in w/ a $5 pair of earbuds? Hopefully I can learn a few things at the meet. I'm in Waterloo, so TO or KW locations would both work well.
  13. vasilli

    Any programmers?

    Quote: Originally Posted by mjg i work in PHP v4. I really don't like it. I miss using a well typed real programming language with real sdk's, debugging tools, and an API. Most of the stuff i do is backend web stuff, interfacing with a postgres database server, etc. haha.. I'm in...
  14. vasilli

    Budding Audiophile

    Hey guys, I'm also a noob to the world of audiophiles. Instead of flooding the board w/ yet another "i'm new" thread I'll just add to this one. I'm looking to purchase my first set of headphones. Never owned anything but earbuds all my life. Now I feel that I've "grown" into better...
  15. vasilli

    Classical Music Shootout: AD2000, HD650/600, K701/K501 (sorry, longwinded)

    Thank you very much for such a detailed review. I'm new to this forum and don't yet understand all the musical and hi-fi jargon, so it's difficult to fully appreciate your review. I'm planning to buy my first pair of headphones and I was looking at HD-650 and K701 as two possible choices...