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  1. rayfalkner

    Fostex x Massdrop TH-X00 Review

    So, might we be expecting some secondhand TH900 show up more for sale now? Oooh my wallet is ready.   Quote:   I'll be voting in for Sennheiser HD-6X0 (if there's such vote anywhere)
  2. rayfalkner

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

      They are not cheap though, haha   Fortunately the pads seem to last quite a while if the HD800 is used strictly for personal use only (no friend or spouse borrowing it and such), unlike Grado pads which crumbles on their own within a year or two even when not worn and also cost quite a bit...
  3. rayfalkner

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

      You do realize that one doesn't need to own the (audio) equipment to experience its performance and quality, right?
  4. rayfalkner

    Sennheiser HD800 Certificate for Frequency Response Arrived

      In my understanding, the individual HD800 frequency response graph shows the difference of the said individual unit when compared to Senn's reference FR which is this one:     So the 6k peaking will always be there, more or less. That is actually a testament of Senn's QC on HD800 drivers.
  5. rayfalkner

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

      Norne's cable is thick and beefy. Usable as self defense weapon since you could inflict some nasty wounds if you whip someone who tries to steal your HD800 with it. Senn's balanced is of course thin and nice, but you know how the Y-split section is kind of prone to twisting all the time...
  6. rayfalkner

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    Yeah, my apology if I contribute to the derailment too.   So here's a little story to lighten the mood a bit: Three days ago while looking for a replacement USB cable (read: a good cable that complies fully to USB 2.0 standard with good build quality); the seller recommends me a $650 cable as...
  7. rayfalkner

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    Personally I just like it if people would be more critical about subjective matters. Placebo is bad for us customers, kind of keeping us from being wiser and/or smarter with our spending you know.   IMO it's like telling people that coloring your hair silver will make you a brighter person...
  8. rayfalkner

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    Fortunately since this is Senn product we're talking about, it will be pretty easy to have the 800S demo'ed in nearly every reputable audio store nearby once it is released. No excuse really to not auditioning a megabuck product like this before committing a purchase.   Well for me, even if...
  9. rayfalkner

    Sennheiser HD800S Unveiled!

      Older HD650 does get that darker sound quality hence the veil. The more current production (silver screen drivers) fixes that and makes it only tilted slightly toward darker presentation (how slight will be very subjective but definitely not 'really dark'). Warm signature is the appropriate...
  10. rayfalkner

    Sennheiser HD800S Unveiled!

    Rather have HD800S as the name than something mouthful like HD 25-1 II (etch dee twenty five slash one ay ay!)
  11. rayfalkner

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    Yay, the price plummets is starting! Awesome, 800S, even before your official launch you give the people a blessing to hunt for the suddenly unwanted HD800 at bargain price. Now is the time, folks.  
  12. rayfalkner

    Sennheiser HD800S Unveiled!

      And all of this just for "a bit better" acoustics. Gosh, things human do to justify their purchase of black HD800.  
  13. rayfalkner

    Sennheiser HD800S Unveiled!

    Ah, so it seems that hollow tube is now an integral part of the driver eh? Wonder if somehow we could emulate that to the vanilla 800 when the property (dimension, material) of the 800S' 'tube' is then known to the community. But if it does, it will be involving a thorough invasive surgery of...
  14. rayfalkner

    Sennheiser HD800S Unveiled!

    Well I hope there's more to it other than the addition of that tube-shaped dampener, perhaps a tweaked driver or something. If not then... should we just buy that new part and install it to the vanilla HD800 ourselves  
  15. rayfalkner

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

      Those who do their homework before spending $$$ on anything will realize heftier price tag does not always equals in gain of performance / quality. And yes if this 800S turns out to be on similar level with the popular mod (albeit done officially by OEM this time), a ridiculous price...
  16. rayfalkner

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    I don't think Colorware accept such send in method anymore. At least I don't see any option that specifically reads to do that. I could've been missing it though so do correct me if it is.
  17. rayfalkner

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    So, can I send mine to Senn to just have that 'new' black paint job? I'm doing good with vanilla and the hated 6khz spike, no need to refine those; and if one day I want those to be improved, certainly I don't want to be charged with multigrands for it while a $10 - $15 mod could also do that...
  18. rayfalkner

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    Well since the official Senn's HD800 balanced cable is about $340, I think it makes sense to find a quality third party cable that carries a lesser price tag instead   Anyway I do think that the #1 quality that we should look upon upgrading a cable is its durability, construction, or material...
  19. rayfalkner

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    Secondhand HD800 is far from $1500 price range, more like $900 - $1100. HD800 is high on the comfortable list unless perhaps if you wear thick framed glasses (I use glasses too but with a thin frame) but then nothing that I know on the headphone market is really catered towards user with heavy...
  20. rayfalkner

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    Quote:   A handful of hours is too generous, I'll say 1 hour of normal use, maximum, primarily just to straighten the cable a bit and get rid of that strange, new-from-factory smell But I'll drag my sorry existence out of here lest I'll get tied to a pole and stoned to death by the pros...
  21. rayfalkner

    Grado Fan Club!

      ... Insane price, what a steal. If only I'm not this far away in Asia I'll buy that in a heartbeat ; that will be a mighty fine gift for my dad, and the difference from buying it brand new will be spent on a starting DAC+amp set.
  22. rayfalkner

    Grado Fan Club!

    Well I think it is pretty much understandable that you'll get "try Grado" as one of the recommendation if you tell people that you like 'bright' musics, even more so if this is going to be your first step into a serious headphone audio; IMO it's because Grado SR60 is one of the regular occupant...
  23. rayfalkner

    Grado Fan Club!

    @Eurobeat:   If you really want to get yourself a Grado that could go along with your music preferences, the closest I could recommend without breaking your budget much is a secondhand PS500, or find yourself a secondhand HF-1 or HF-2. For the rest of the Grado lineups, they won't have good...
  24. rayfalkner

    S.O.S. (Save on Schiit)

    Ah, too bad we can't choose to have other plug configuration and input voltage for the B-Stocks.
  25. rayfalkner

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    This kind of conversation will probably derail the thread so I'll shut up after this.   For Hugo TT I don't need to wait for Tyll or others to do their impressions whatsoever. I listened to it couple of days ago on IHEAC Jakarta and I sincerely think that is not a product worthy of $4500 price...