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  1. rogerthat

    Shanling M3s - dual AK4490 DAC, 2.5 balanced out, aptX BT, HiBy link, USB out, FW 1.7

    I found cases here, roughly a total $17 to ship to the US
  2. rogerthat

    Reply to review by 'rogerthat' on item 'Shanling M3s Digital Audio Player'

    Very detailed review, I appreciated the many comparisons! Just wanted to share that has m3s cases on sale for a little over $5, shipping to US close to $11, all colors (or should I say colours)
  3. rogerthat

    Reply to review by 'rogerthat' on item 'Shanling M3s Digital Audio Player'

    Thanks for the great review! Just wanted to share that has m3s cases on sale for a little over $5, shipping to US close to $11, all colors (or should I say colours)
  4. rogerthat

    FiiO New Portable Headphone Amp A1 --Classic & Tiny & Metal

    It is amazing what is accomplished simply by smiling at people. Most people will smile back. In the act of smiling, your body will react as if you were smiling on purpose and will relax and release endorphins.   Hopefully, this is not a meaningless post :)
  5. rogerthat


    SoundLiason  has all albums at 10 euros (approx 10.70 USD)   They a few really great sounding hi-res albums,especially if you like female vocals with slow jazzy sound.
  6. rogerthat

    Fostex new RP headphones - T50RPmk3, T40RPmk3 and T20RPmk3

    I'm not trying to discredit or in any way discount what Dan has done with MrSpeakers headphones - if I had the extra cash, I would have purchased the Mad Dog, but I didn't.  To me, the T50RP Mk3 is in at least the 85% range of the Mad Dog.  To my ears, adding the angled, thicker pads put it in...
  7. rogerthat

    Just listened to some Fostex T50RPs today... WOW!

    I posted this in another thread, but just in case my experience can benefit someone else...   Just learned that my ifi Nano has a "just right" amount of power for my T50s...   I just tried listening with a Schiit Magni 2 Uber (using my ifi Nano as dac) and while it did get louder than my...
  8. rogerthat

    Fostex new RP headphones - T50RPmk3, T40RPmk3 and T20RPmk3

    Just learned that my ifi Nano has a "just right" amount of power for my T50s...   I just tried listening with a Schiit Magni 2 Uber (using my ifi Nano as dac) and while it did get louder than my Nano, it did not add anything to the music.   So for those of you who are in a tight budget but...
  9. rogerthat

    Fostex new RP headphones - T50RPmk3, T40RPmk3 and T20RPmk3

    Hi All,   A while back I asked about what I could expect changing out the stock pads for MrSpeaker Alpha pads and received some advice on what to expect and how to improve the sq.   I wanted to give a quick update - I changed out the pads and have found the sound has changed a bit, but...
  10. rogerthat

    Fostex new RP headphones - T50RPmk3, T40RPmk3 and T20RPmk3

    Thanks for the advice!  Yes, when I heard both at CamJam, I thought the T50 mk3 was so close to the MD that for my meager budget, I should just go mk3.
  11. rogerthat

    Fostex new RP headphones - T50RPmk3, T40RPmk3 and T20RPmk3

    Hi, I have had the mk3 for a few weeks now and really enjoy the sound.   I do want to change out the stock pads for Mr. Speakers Alpha Pads and was hoping there would be a few brave souls that have already done this and could offer advice over what I would probably have to alter to fix the sq...
  12. rogerthat

    Fostex new RP headphones - T50RPmk3, T40RPmk3 and T20RPmk3

    No - I am totally in the semi / closed arena.  My office wouldn't tolerate open sets :)
  13. rogerthat

    Fostex new RP headphones - T50RPmk3, T40RPmk3 and T20RPmk3

    I just got mine today!   I am thrilled with the sound as-is and will wait a while before I brave any modifications.   Alicia Keys never sounded like this before :)   What I really love is the sound I can get for a very modest buy in -- I am using ifi Nano and couldn't be happier!   The...
  14. rogerthat


    Fostex new T50mk3RP  $140 free shipping 
  15. rogerthat

    Fostex new RP headphones - T50RPmk3, T40RPmk3 and T20RPmk3

    HEY - $140 + free shipping 
  16. rogerthat

    Fostex new RP headphones - T50RPmk3, T40RPmk3 and T20RPmk3

    Earlier I gave out an Amazon link (, $185.18 and stated I had it on good authority they would be in stock soon - here's an update: looks like 2-3 weeks until they are ready for shipping.   They are $159, free ground shipping at Guitar Center...
  17. rogerthat

    The Hassle-Free Headphone Recommendation Thread: Cans that sound great without amping, modding, or burn-in.

    I've seen mentions of ATH M50s and can add my thumbs up.  They are easy to drive, but also very tolerant if you do amp them a bit. The only criticism I have is that they tend to emphasize the bass a bit, but they are very nice sounding headphones and I would say they are a solid first step :)
  18. rogerthat

    ATH-M50's little bass.

    I am astounded on this one - I own M50s and think if anything, they could be accused of being heavy on the bass (not like rattle the screws, more like a tad over emphasized).
  19. rogerthat

    Fostex new RP headphones - T50RPmk3, T40RPmk3 and T20RPmk3

    Amazon is finally carrying these, but at about $20 more than $159 at your local Guitar Center:   They are listed as temporarily out of stock, but I have it on good authority that should be resolved soon.
  20. rogerthat

    Fostex new RP headphones - T50RPmk3, T40RPmk3 and T20RPmk3

    Perhaps the deciding factor is hair! :)
  21. rogerthat

    Fostex new RP headphones - T50RPmk3, T40RPmk3 and T20RPmk3

    Dear All, I apologize -- the headband felt to me like a rubber strap, but a picture I took shows clearly a padded headband.
  22. rogerthat

    Fostex new RP headphones - T50RPmk3, T40RPmk3 and T20RPmk3

    Hey -- I looked at a picture I had taken and I apologize, they do have a padded headband.  To my bald head, it felt like rubber -- so once again, you're right, they do have a padded headband.
  23. rogerthat

    Fostex new RP headphones - T50RPmk3, T40RPmk3 and T20RPmk3

    The ones I listened to had a rubber strap for the headband.
  24. rogerthat

    Fostex new RP headphones - T50RPmk3, T40RPmk3 and T20RPmk3

    I listened to a pair at the Audio Fest in Denver on Saturday, and if I could, I would have purchased them right then.  The sound was truly full, base, mid and treble without anything over or under.  The only criticism I would offer is the very thin pads (I wear glasses and would consider my old...
  25. rogerthat

    Fostex T50RP Incremental Mods and Measurements

    Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but I heard the T50RPmk3 today at Audio Fest and it sounded amazing I think I will put on new pads (glasses like big pads), but I didn't hear anything I did not like and I fell in love with the great sound!