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  1. koalamonk

    Help picking my first decent headphone

    Sorry for the wrong term, I'm really new to headphones so I'm lacking in a lot of things, I did some research although I'm out of time right now. I found this thread.   Gotta go, gonna read later.   --edit--  ...
  2. koalamonk

    Help picking my first decent headphone

    I guess zx300 is being overdriven due to it's 24 ohms. So A1 (24 ohms) and AD900x (38 ohms) would be the same right?   Given the issues I'm beginning to think that maybe I should consider a amp maybe those FiiO or O2 odac?   Or maybe I should check something that fits that requirement maybe...
  3. koalamonk

    Help picking my first decent headphone

    Curious then actually AD900x's 38 ohms would be a match for ZXR output?
  4. koalamonk

    Help picking my first decent headphone

    Well I guess I'll go for A1 then. I was really concerned about the bass (maybe a common trait to open backs?) and listening fatigue that I've read about the ad900x, maybe I'd try those later I'm really curious, luckily maybe by the time I get them they'll even release some models with detachable...
  5. koalamonk

    Help picking my first decent headphone

      Nope, not marketing. But still it would be nice if I could use it and experience myself, but you're right when you say proper setup, but I do know that I've read some users from this forum, I guess, and they were using your model actually, the PRO series I mean, not the PREMIUM ones and I...
  6. koalamonk

    Help picking my first decent headphone

    Now that really helped a lot because couldn't decide if I'd take DT990 pro or MDR-1A. Your point of view is really clarifying.   But then searching a little more I found Audio Technica's AD900x ~ AD2000x any thoughts on any of those Audio Technica, have you tried any of those?
  7. koalamonk

    Help picking my first decent headphone

    Could you please do A/B with MDR-1A and DT-990 although they are totally different type of cans but that would be nice if you could give me your point of view?
  8. koalamonk

    Yamaha HPH-Pro 500 Review

    Anyone has the Sony MDR-1A or just listened to it? Could someone do an A/B and tell me the differences regarding sound quality and comfort?   Thanks in advance.
  9. koalamonk

    Help picking my first decent headphone

    I just did, maybe I'll put that down then?   -edit-   It's down now.
  10. koalamonk

    Help picking my first decent headphone

      It would be good to try that out, but then I would have to wait a little more.   I changed the thread a little, I felt it was kinda misleading.
  11. koalamonk

    Help picking my first decent headphone

      I was just wondering that but I wouldn't want to go on "buying spree" trying this and that so I was wondering if went straight for a flagship model I would settle for that and maybe just "maybe" get a good closed cans later just in case. talking about buying spree lol   And get a RMA and do...
  12. koalamonk

    Help picking my first decent headphone

      Thank you! I want to hear out more about other headphones as well!
  13. koalamonk

    Help picking my first decent headphone

    I've read some posts here about creative zxr's amp and T1 600 ohm, around $1000 now, and it can drive well enough but it seems they were inclined to go for a dac/amp solution, and stumbled upon O2 odac and some oddities I guess.   I guess it's safe to go for DTxxx PRO as the amp is capable of...
  14. koalamonk

    Help picking my first decent headphone

      Pretty much everything actually, by going into that range of price I want to change my point of view and be able listen to details that zx-300 fails to deliver, it's pretty much comprehensible due it's price range, so I guess it's an overall improvement but not a miracle though, I hope I'm...
  15. koalamonk

    Help picking my first decent headphone

      I've been reading some things about open back and I'm pretty much inclined to go for the DT990 Pro and save some money or wait a little more and shoot straight for T1 and die, that's some overall jump, considering that'll be relying first on ZXR amp and if that won't do I'll have to look for...
  16. koalamonk

    Help picking my first decent headphone

      Any differences for between DTxxx PRO and PREMIUM? I see that it has a version with 600 ohms which my amp can drive but is there a big difference between less or more ohms? Is it forgiving to mp3 320kbps files? I mean those beyerdynamics.   Thank you are really giving some interesting...
  17. koalamonk

    Help picking my first decent headphone

    around $200 ~ $300 maybe willing to shell out $400 if it is really good though, and open back is ok, I'll be alone in my room listening with closed doors. I was thinking of audio technica's R70X for example but I couldn't find a reseller that would sell those, at least not the professional ones.
  18. koalamonk

    Help picking my first decent headphone

      But in comparison with those appointed above, the others are more neutral? For a more detailed sound what would you recommend?
  19. koalamonk

    Help picking my first decent headphone

    Well that's it guys,   I'm looking for a headphone for my Creative ZXR (running ASIO/Exclusive mode), right now all I got is a Sony MDR-ZX300 which is lacking I guess, so this is gonna be my first decent headphone so any good advice is welcomed.   The contestants right now are (Budget $400)...
  20. koalamonk

    New Member Introductions thread

    Hello,   After reading here and there, still trying find out which headphone to buy without breaking the bank and still get the most out my creative zxr (running asio/exclusive mode).