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  1. Lantern2814

    Xbox 360 game discussion/impressions thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by Edwood I played the Rainbow 6 demo. I like it alot, but if I had to pick only one, Gears of War would be the one. -Ed I'm really looking forward to GoW, but Rainbow 6 really has me psyched for the first time in a LOOOONG time. All I can say is...
  2. Lantern2814

    Corda Opera- Pics. Who else has reserved one?

    I was so happy. Now......not so much. Upgrades why do you haunt me so!
  3. Lantern2814

    Top 10 Headphones Revealed!

    Quote: Originally Posted by drarthurwells Ditto here. I said, The top ten dynamic headphones in current production: 1. AKG K710 2. Sony SA 5000 3. Sennheiser HD650 4. Beyerdynamic, top model Well, one good thing came out of this thread(besides a little...
  4. Lantern2814

    Where is The Best Burrito

    Rio Burrito 11 Broadway St Asheville, NC 28801 A jambalaya burrito and I'm good for the rest of the day.
  5. Lantern2814

    New Ipod: 80GB and gapless playback! I'm in...

    I guess my waiting was well worth it. Sure was a tough week. Now the toughest will be arguing with myself. I'm a bigger is better kind of guy, but I sure do like neat things in small packages.... LOL!!
  6. Lantern2814

    Anyone ever ordered from

    Sometimes it takes a REALLY long time from them. As we know shipping from Japan takes a while and if they had to do this with you item it may take longer than their usually lengthy shipping. I don't deal with them unless I really have to anymore. I use Ebay as much as I can for imported...
  7. Lantern2814

    Gears of War (finally a Halo killer?)

    I'm really looking forward to GoW, but lets not forget about Mass Effect, Bioshock and Army of Two as new original games that look smokin'. Put F.E.A.R., CoD3, Brother in Arms and the super duper HL2 compilation with those and its looking to be a good time to be gaming on the 360.
  8. Lantern2814

    Best portable for sound quality - IPOD still hard to beat?

    As someone who's finally going to jump into the portable market I figured I would break my lazy forum lurker trend and post a question similar to this. So, a thanks in in order for doing this for me. However, my head is about to explode with the ping pong opinions in this thread. I know...
  9. Lantern2814

    Best XBOX360 Forum?

    I use the IGN boards quite a bit. I don't pay much attention to the opinions, but most of the news, updates, videos and screenshots get posted there first.
  10. Lantern2814

    tips on gas grilling

    Quote: Originally Posted by coolshot ok everyone says clean your grill. Howfar? just the grilling surface? all the stuff on the bottom? just wire brush it or go all out soap and water? Details! I personally mean everything. After you're done cooking, turn your grill to high and...
  11. Lantern2814

    tips on gas grilling

    Quote: Originally Posted by coolshot yeah i know about flipping. what i mean is having the edge closest to the center of the burner be black because of flareups and the other side being raw. The closest way to describe it would be to picture a hanmburger patty being a ying-yang symbol...
  12. Lantern2814

    Has anyone tried the new Blue Jeans Cable LC-1?

    Quote: Originally Posted by mrarroyo Send them an email, they may have them. For example I wanted an RCA to mini interconnect which is not on their website. I emailed them and sure enough they can and have made me one. Good luck. My advice as well!!
  13. Lantern2814

    What's the worst thing you've seen someone do in public?

    I guess all mine would be the people who think that beating on something will make the scratched CD play without skipping or webpage load faster. And YES these are the same people that complain about their stuff breaking.
  14. Lantern2814

    What places do you miss?

    I miss being at my grandparents' house as a kid watching TV and hearing the change jingle in my grandpaw's pocket as he walked around the house or was heading to the garden. It wasn't the jingle as much as knowing he was around all the time. Haven't heard that jingle in a long time now.
  15. Lantern2814

    Opinions on people that couldn't care less about headphone quality?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Computerpro3 The Audi is equipped with a manually selectable suspension. You can choose Lift, comfort, normal, and dynamic. You can lower or raise the car 4 inches in either direction. But I see your point. LOL!! Oh I know every inch of that car...
  16. Lantern2814

    tips on gas grilling

    #1 find a good site to check for cooking times and temps for all meats and veggies. #2 make a note to where your hot spots are on your grill and avoid them or use them to your advantage. #3 start with cheap cuts of meat or burgers and experiment on YOURSELF. Leave friends and family out of...
  17. Lantern2814

    Opinions on people that couldn't care less about headphone quality?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Computerpro3 By the same token another might say "Personally I think anyone that would spent more than $20 on a headphone when all they do is let you listen to the music on the player has very messed up priorities." And still more, for many people, they think...