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  1. Spacedeck


      Did you receive your order?  How are you enjoying these?   Mine have been despatched but due to stock not being received at the place I ordered, they arranged for mine to be sent from a different warehouse they have in France, so it's taking a little longer.  It's due between 25-30th so not...
  2. Spacedeck


    Thanks everyone.  I've decided to pull the trigger on the W30's.  I've looked into the Shure earphones but I just don't like the general look of them.  Another factor on deciding these is that I was able to purchase these for £231.21 ($339.41).  Considerably cheaper than the lowest price...
  3. Spacedeck


    I've been all over the Fidue A83's thread trying to pick myself out some much needed earphones.   I came accross these today while looking on a few websites.  Do these generally have a nice fit?  This is something which has been an issue with me with earphones I've used (I have only used...
  4. Spacedeck

    FIDUE A83 impressions and discussion thread

    Thanks.  Ouch at the price then.  in the UK they are being sold for £269.99 which at the current exchange rate against the US $ it would cost $399.66.  Against your AUD it comes out at 521.94.  That's some pretty hefty pricing for us but this is typical of being British   I suppose I need to...
  5. Spacedeck

    FIDUE A83 impressions and discussion thread

      I did see this video.  Are these guys though of as reputable then?   Are these the best earphones that can be purchased in this price range?  I still feel the wire is drawing me in more and more.
  6. Spacedeck

    FIDUE A83 impressions and discussion thread

    I need some new earphones for walking and work so I'm jumping into the big market.  Are these good for those who walk often?  Whatever I buy should in theory, should be much better than the Samsung earphones which came with my Note 4.   In the UK these can be bought for £269.99.  Just a little...
  7. Spacedeck

    Help - In search of new Earphones

    Hello everyone.  I'm new here and a total newb to finding quality earphones/headphones.   Ok, so onto the story.  I have been using the Samsung earphones which I received with my Note 4 since its release.  Lately the right ear had stopped working, which wasn't too much of an issue.  Then the...
  8. Spacedeck

    New Member Introductions thread

    Hello everyone!   Names Harold and I'm here to pick up any and all information in regards to earphones/headphones .   Mainly I need to replace my Samsung earphones (came with the phone) as they have now bitten the dust .