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  1. tomsag

    Asus Essence One MKII / MKII MUSES Edition

    Where did you put the two MUSES02? I've put them in low pass...
  2. tomsag

    Audeze EL-8: The EL-8 is a must-hear at CES 2015

      Senns are much more airy, wider soundstage. More High-End. EL-8 are superb only in bass and lower midrange section. However if you will play from iPhone or similar, the difference is neglible.
  3. tomsag

    Asus Essence One Headphone Amp/DAC (CeBIT 2011)

    I can recommend the Muses 01 on I/V and AD827SQ on Low Pass. Sounds more precise than the original Muses 01 at the Low Pass. Very warm and punchy, nice treble with wide soundstage.
  4. tomsag

    Audeze EL-8: The EL-8 is a must-hear at CES 2015

    Comparing them now with AKG K-701. Got them from my dealer for listening a few days ago...
  5. tomsag

    Audeze EL-8: The EL-8 is a must-hear at CES 2015

      Had LCD-3 on listen but they had significantly more "air" and "sparkle". These EL-8 are not so resolving, and - to be honest - I do not understand why so many people like this kind of sound. It could be understandable if using a cheap DAC or phone as source...
  6. tomsag

    Audeze EL-8: The EL-8 is a must-hear at CES 2015

      It seems to me that it's not flat, exactly what my listening experience tells me -15dB (!) on 6 kHz  a rather very dull sounding HP. almost no "air". Definitively Not my taste.
  7. tomsag

    Audeze EL-8: The EL-8 is a must-hear at CES 2015

      If it's true, how is the K-701 so different, despite being a similar low impedance (62 Ohm) HP? And the same sound signature is present on Mytek 192 DSD, which is BTW a touch brighter than Essence one... Definitely a very laid back one, much more than expected, having experience with LC-3...
  8. tomsag

    Audeze EL-8: The EL-8 is a must-hear at CES 2015

      Dealer demo, received a few days ago... Take a listening session somewhere, but bring also your own.
  9. tomsag

    Audeze EL-8: The EL-8 is a must-hear at CES 2015

      Sorry, mean ASUS  Essence One Upgraded to Muses-01 on I/V and AD827SQ on low pass - these are so similar names .... (Typing now on ASUS laptop and having an ACER at work)
  10. tomsag

    Audeze EL-8: The EL-8 is a must-hear at CES 2015

      The dealer got this one a few days ago. Not sure whether this one is retail one, but it should not be less resolving... I'm still confused.   Anyone here with initial impressions?
  11. tomsag

    Audeze EL-8: The EL-8 is a must-hear at CES 2015

    Totally confused!   After getting the new EL-8 on listening test a few hours ago, I've got some early impressions:   - Overall VERY recessed treble, resulting in less "air" and presence. Soundstage is also recessed, but the depth is OK. - Very good bass, if still not in the LC3 league.  ...
  12. tomsag

    Asus Essence One Headphone Amp/DAC (CeBIT 2011)

    I've bought them on ebay. They might NOT be the original ones, but I believe in this seller. Here is the link:   Once I have them, will report about the audio quality. Personally, I do believe in...
  13. tomsag

    Asus Essence One MKII / MKII MUSES Edition

      Where have you put them? In the low pass (#2) or somewhere else?
  14. tomsag

    Asus Essence One Headphone Amp/DAC (CeBIT 2011)

    Bought a used Essence one a few days ago, and - while satisfied - would like to upgrade the op amps to MUSES edition or, to find an even better match. Just ordered 4 MUSES 01 for I/V replacing, but now I wonder which ones to take for the Low pass filter? DSD upgrade manual suggests, beside...