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  1. 3wheeledmotion

    Help wih Fiio E17 Toslink to Optical to my stereo.

    Hi People!   My problem is I can't get sound from my speakers when running the audio from my mac mini through my E17 then to my receiver.   My chain looks like this: mac mini usb > E17 > headphone out on E17 using toslink > mini digital optical cable IN on my receiver.   My...
  2. 3wheeledmotion

    KRK KNS-8400 Review

    The headband comfort issue has me returning them. It really is piercing.
  3. 3wheeledmotion

    Amazon Cloud Player - Experiences?

    I don't think I would need this since I subscribe to Rhapsody and don't "own" that much music. Since I like to listen to a A LOT of music and a variety and keep updated on whats new buying that amount of albums would cost me thousands of dollars especially since three family members share my...
  4. 3wheeledmotion

    cmoy soldering (what to bridge and what not to)

    Hey Head-Fiers, I'm building my first of hopefully many amps to come and of course I'm starting with Tangents mini-cmoy-layout-0150.pdf. All of his tutorials are great I just want to double check with some soldering questions. I have to be careful not to create any bridges between the...
  5. 3wheeledmotion

    Building Second Cmoy Amp

    Building my first cmoy today, saw your post and wanted let you know Tangent sells the ALPS RK097 pot with built-in power switch. Now on to my post...
  6. 3wheeledmotion

    Best places for DIY cable supplies?

    I'll throw my 2cents in since i've learned alot the past few days reading the boards trying to learn all the in's and outs of DIY to build my first cmoy. I came across Welborne Labs and they have nice stuff (in particular wire) which is what you asked about. Now off to get some help myself.
  7. 3wheeledmotion

    Chill music...any recommendations?

    listen to the lullaby song,,,uh
  8. 3wheeledmotion

    Chill music...any recommendations?

    Hayden - Skyscraper National Park LP I listen to this almost every night!