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  1. lmboyer

    Headphones similar to Audio Technica ATH-M50 - upgrade

    The technics 1250s have similar sound. I've a friend with the M50Xs so I'm familiar with them. I bought the technics because theyre also only 115 USD on amazon, they feel more confortable (though heavier) and have a very smooth sound. 
  2. lmboyer

    Samson, Superlux, AKG budget headphones?

    Hi all, I'm looking to get a set of headphones to complement my current set of Technics 1250s. I'm looking for something that sounds different and I'm ok with more flat sounding, though I do like a little accentuation on the bass. The main complaint I have with many headphones is mids and highs...
  3. lmboyer

    Upgrading dj headphones

    Are you saying that in comparison to the SOL tracks HD? Are there graphs of it since I know it best (I have it) so that I could compare? 
  4. lmboyer

    Upgrading dj headphones

    This is more of an audiophile site and I know im posting for dj headphones so if im in the wrong just tell me right off the bat, sorry in advance if so, just unsure.   Im looking to upgrade my DJ headphones, Im hoping for something under 150 and the lower the better of course. Go over the...