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  1. liuhao

    Ori Zhaolu arrived

    Quote: Originally Posted by d-cee no, Ori's mod changes the analog output stage Eddie's headphone amp upgrades the headphone amplifier section with a discrete one oic. thanks for the answer. i am veyr interested in Ori's mod. anyone has done a comparision between Ori's mod and...
  2. liuhao

    Ori Zhaolu arrived

    Quote: Originally Posted by Jon L Yes, speakers for now. However, I do have an Almarro A205a Mk II SET amp on loan and plan on trying the OMZ->Almarro->K1000 REAL soon Betcha that'll be stunning. I just wish I had some nice Amperex/Mullard EL84 tubes to roll.. it seems to be...
  3. liuhao

    Ori Zhaolu arrived

    glad to know it works out. i would assume the sound coming from ur speaker? Quote: Originally Posted by Jon L I left my system burning in 24/7 for several days without listening. I sat down to take a listen today, and holy ShMOKES! As I said on my last post, I was expecting I would...
  4. liuhao

    USB DAC vs. cheap PC card+any comparable DAC from above link it sounds to me USB has very little jitter problem and is considered as better way. do i understand that correctly?
  5. liuhao

    how to connect my soundcard (Creative Audigy) to zhaolu DAC?

    that cleared my question soloz. thanks a lot.
  6. liuhao

    how to connect my soundcard (Creative Audigy) to zhaolu DAC?

    i plan to get a zhaolu dac and use my PC as transport. the connection i am planning is like this: PC soundcard->zhaolu DAC->integrated amplifier->bookshelf speaker i have a Creative Audigy (first generation) at this moment in my PC. my Audigy does not have optical output. but it has a...