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  1. MMJ2015

    Westone W60 Impressions Thread

    double the performance of your w40 with this setup  improves width and separation, extends treble, and depth increased also.
  2. MMJ2015

    Westone W60 Impressions Thread

    tips make much more effect than cables do assuming there is nothing wrong with your cable. i recommend phonak audeo silicone  tips and shure clear silicone the westone star tips resonate at 200hz to 300hz and create a peak at 10khz (thin hole long tip) the phonak is larger opening and shorter...
  3. MMJ2015

    Westone 4 Impressions and Reviews Thread

    they just alter the frequency response different than the westone stars do the westone star tips create a that treble spike and a resonance at 300hz because they longer and smaller hole, i suspect the diff ways the trips are made and their shape have diff effects on the sound depending here is...
  4. MMJ2015

    Westone 4 Impressions and Reviews Thread

    they look like the regular silicone tips people make but clear. they are little less good than phonak but different frequency changes you may like if you check ebay i found them before
  5. MMJ2015

    Westone 4 Impressions and Reviews Thread

    oops sorry i think it cut off some the image here is the website with all the tips, (standard w4 with diff tips) it dosnt take into account the 100ohm adapter in these which is good thing
  6. MMJ2015

    JH Audio Layla and Angie - Head-Fi TV

    yes your absolutely right , its a give and take in different measurements and you have to take them ALL in account if our going to get anywhere im just saying to consider no measurements at all verses going through them in the context they represent. it would be nuts to take only one measurement...
  7. MMJ2015

    Westone 4 Impressions and Reviews Thread

    i was just as pleased and surprised as you lol! try different tips they make huge difference also to get the sound your seeking in the high end , i prefer the phonak audeo med silicone or the clear shures tips make huge difference.       before i found out about how much these things...
  8. MMJ2015

    JH Audio Layla and Angie - Head-Fi TV

    yes someone please send in your layla to be measured because i want to buy them , but i dont know what to expect in the measurement areas even though people say they are clear and neutral and with multiple drivers we know the transients are clear and with phase align we know the sound is...
  9. MMJ2015

    JH Audio Layla and Angie - Head-Fi TV

    measurements tell you very detailed specific things about the iem , that the ear has to be trained to notice or understand (you have to hear clearer before your brain knows what it is where as detailed and multiple measurements can give you that information straight up, of course you have to...
  10. MMJ2015

    JH Audio Layla and Angie - Head-Fi TV

    is this have to do with you having a preference for lower priced speakers that are very detailed and clear but flatter the sound? where as going even more detailed reveals the imperfections and rough jagged parts that all music has? im just wondering because i run into a lot of people that are...
  11. MMJ2015

    Westone Signature W-series W50 & W60

    doesn't every IEM need an amp to be fully appreciated?   i love the cheap topping nx1 for that price and quality you can always have an amp on hand (better than no amp)
  12. MMJ2015

    JH Audio Layla Impressions Thread

    thank you for doing this ! i appreciate it! was wondering if you thought angie has the detail in it to handle mobile music production studio work on the go where studio monitors are not usable? could you hear the imperfections in the audio? or is it artificially smoothed out the "sound good" ?
  13. MMJ2015

    JH Audio Layla Impressions Thread

    that would be funny as hell 12 indinidual crossovers ! lol have to have a Chinese 5 year old solder them
  14. MMJ2015

    JH Audio Layla and Angie - Head-Fi TV

    the ety's do not seem to be very "flat" with the new olive, harmon compensations   that isnt to say they sound any worse than they always have lol (decent)   i would guess that angie is probably somewhat on par with the new...
  15. MMJ2015

    JH Audio Layla and Angie - Head-Fi TV

    sorry , fiascogarcia  that is defenetly is important also.
  16. MMJ2015

    Westone Signature W-series W50 & W60

    wondering if anyone can try the w50 with phonak audeo silicone  tips and see what they think about it
  17. MMJ2015

    JH Audio Layla and Angie - Head-Fi TV

    none of this is accurate, whether with speakers or armatures  you have a room or you have a IEM shell which is its room, with either speakers or armatures you have cross over issues if poorly designed but the benefit in a proper design  of more drivers is evident and the same in both cases. you...
  18. MMJ2015

    JH Audio Layla and Angie - Head-Fi TV

    please, tell us your impressions of angie!
  19. MMJ2015

    JH Audio Layla and Angie - Head-Fi TV

    I agree with you on that , but mixing speaker and mastering speakers a very different. im just saying it is possible to make a set of speakers that are more accurate and invisible  with a more complex design such as 19 speakers in one cabinet, compared to trying to accomplish the same thing...
  20. MMJ2015

    JH Audio Layla and Angie - Head-Fi TV

    bob ludwig is the widest known and highest regarded mastering engineer on planet earth, here is the speakers he designed and uses himself for mastering (19 speakers in each speaker cabinet )   are you suggesting that 2 way 2 drivers can...
  21. MMJ2015

    Westone 4 Impressions and Reviews Thread

    with the w4,4r the phonak audeo tips and 100ohm adapter dramatically help the IEM achieve a better frequency response and sound. if you like those qualities they may be able to incorporate them in a custom for you for example look at the measurments and openings of the phonak audeo tips etc...
  22. MMJ2015

    Westone 4 Impressions and Reviews Thread

    im loving metallica and justice for all on the setup (4r,100ohm plus phonak plus subpac)so damn punchy i miss that of older recordings.