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  1. xSociety

    Sony MDR-MV1

    Where's the EQ settings for these bad boys already?
  2. xSociety

    Sony MDR-MV1

    What cable is that? I'd like to get one before these come in from Sweetwater.
  3. xSociety

    Massdrop x Focal Elex Review & Measurements

    All good! I ended up just ordering a cable from LQi. Got that headband thing too obv. Not the best quality photo but here it is:
  4. xSociety

    Massdrop x Focal Elex Review & Measurements

    Thanks for your response. I must be missing something then because I filled out all the options for a cable and it still says out of stock and won't let me add to cart.
  5. xSociety

    Massdrop x Focal Elex Review & Measurements

    Dang, all those cables are sold out! Any comperable ones that you know of? Also, where did you get that headband cover? Looks comfy. I'd like one to preserve the original padding too.
  6. xSociety

    Creative SoundBlasterX AE-9

    Sweet! Let us know how they compare. Also, maybe a pic before and after install if you don't mind? Would greatly appreciate it.
  7. xSociety

    Monoprice Monolith Desktop THX Amp/DAC (#24459) - Impressions Thread

    Hey guys, I'm loving this dac/amp but I find the dial to be way too slow in adjusting volume. Is there any way to change that in any way?
  8. xSociety

    Monoprice Monolith Desktop THX Amp/DAC (#24459) - Impressions Thread

    What difference would one of those make? I just got this device, loving it so far, but I'm just curious. Thanks.
  9. xSociety

    Hifiman Sundara (HE400i upgraded, around $500)

    Will obviously have to do more testing but initial impressions are VERY good. They're quieter on the same settings than the X2's but so are the 400i's so it's hard to get an apples to apples comparison. I immediately liked them better than the 400i's but am still unsure between them and the...
  10. xSociety

    Hifiman Sundara (HE400i upgraded, around $500)

    My Sundara set is coming tonight, so I'll try and give my initial impressions. Right now I'm using the 400i's after years and years of using nothing but my X2's.
  11. xSociety

    Philips Fidelio X2?!

    Where can I buy the X2HR's in the US? I can't seem to find them anywhere.
  12. xSociety

    Hifiman Sundara (HE400i upgraded, around $500)

    Yeah, I find that hard to trust.
  13. xSociety

    Hifiman he-400i Impressions and Discussion

    Has anybody used these with the X7? Mind sharing your EQ settings?
  14. xSociety

    Philips Fidelio X2?!

    What exactly does that do? 
  15. xSociety

    Philips Fidelio X2?!

      Haha EQ. by beats?         Seriously though, what's a good way to equalize for music and games? Using the same thing as this picture?    Edit: I've been using this: 10 10 8 0 0 0 8 11 11 14
  16. xSociety

    Philips Fidelio X2?!

    These X2s are beyond comfortable! Like a cloud sitting on my head.    Is my Sound Blaster Zx sound card enough to drive these bad boys to their full potential? I've been looking into a dedicated DAC and AMP but not sure if it'll be worth the $ and desk real estate. What about the SB x7? 
  17. xSociety

    Philips Fidelio X2?!

    I'm getting my pair tomorrow, I for one welcome our alien overlords! All hail the Fedelions from planet Philipion!  
  18. xSociety

    Philips Fidelio X2?!

    Hey guys first post here!   Quick question, I just ordered the Philips X2, what mic would be best in combination with these? The modmic 4.0 or the V-MODA BoomPro thing? I'm mostly going to use it for my PC but will play Halo every once in awhile on my Xbox One.    Any suggestions would be...