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  1. mraulino

    Chord Electronics Qutest DAC - Official Thread

    just noticed that the 2Qute was released in Jan-2015 and the Qutest three years later in Jan-2018... Any expectations for Jan-2021?
  2. mraulino

    Chord Electronics Qutest DAC - Official Thread

    Oh, so even at 1v the Qutest would be too much for my amp?
  3. mraulino

    Chord Electronics Qutest DAC - Official Thread

    Sorry if the question is stupid, but it’s just to make sure that I understood this well: if my amp’s input sensitivity is of 1.8v (as shown in the picture), it means I should select the 1v setting on the Qutest, right? Thanks!
  4. mraulino

    iFi Audio Pro iDSD discussion thread

      Considering the price levels of iDSD Nano and even Micro, I can totally understand that iFi prefers one standardized design for each since any cost that could be saved by stripping features unnecessary to some (preamp, headphone amp, etc.) would be of little --if any-- influence to the...
  5. mraulino

    iFi Audio Pro iDSD discussion thread

    Thanks, iFi Audio, for the quick reply!   Yes, I heard about the workarounds which are unofficially possible on PC, but also that none gives the same result of a proper HDCD decoding done by an HDCD chip (have no idea however whether this is true or not)...   Anyway, would you have any clue...
  6. mraulino

    iFi Audio Pro iDSD discussion thread

    Hi iFi Audio, slightly off topic, but since you touched on the subject... have you ever considered adding HDCD decoding capability in the Mini or any of your other DACs? I have no idea of how costly (?) or technically challenging (??) this could be, but would see it as a great addition given...