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  1. strongml

    Nashville, TN meet anyone?

    I'm here as always, and can come to a meet. I wish i would have known about the Headroom tour. I've enabled email notification of private messages now, after learning my lesson.
  2. strongml

    Next Nashville Meet?

    No big deal, I'm only a couple blocks away.
  3. strongml

    Las Vegas mini meet?

    I'll be in Vegas the 7th through 11th.
  4. strongml

    Next Nashville Meet?

    I didn't get a chance to read the postponed message yesterday. I just got back from sitting in the parking lot at Music City Digital. Oh well. I see now we're postponing it.
  5. strongml

    Nashville Summer 2004 meet impressions

    My apologies for missing the meet. A lot of things suddenly came up, and I am just now suddenly realizing that I missed it. I'm dissappointed that I didn't get to come; it looks like you guys had a great time. I'll be sure to make it to the next one.
  6. strongml

    Interest in a Nashville, TN meet?

    I'll be there with my 595's and maxed pimeta. I could haul in a computer with my audiophile 2496 in it?
  7. strongml

    Interest in a Nashville, TN meet?

    So let's give last call for closing on a definite meeting on Saturday August 21st at archosman's work during the evening at his work location near Belmont/Music Row. Objections? Give us a time, archosman, since it's your turf. And let the RSVP's begin.
  8. strongml

    Interest in a Nashville, TN meet?

    I'm from Nashville, but I think that might be about it.