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  1. crunchyroll

    Desktop AMP for my Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro (250OHM)

    Thanks for all the replies guys, and yeah I think I've been over thinking this whole thing. I came into this not wanting to spend over £100 which I accepted limited my choice of amps, but I lost track of the idea that amps costing around £100 will all be very similar in sound quality.   So I'm...
  2. crunchyroll

    Desktop AMP for my Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro (250OHM)

    Sorry for bumping a dead thread, but I'm struggling to find thorough comparison articles/videos etc comparing the Schiit stack with FiiO products (namely the E17). First and foremost I would like to know if it would be worth it for me to spend an additional £60 on the Schiit stack over just...
  3. crunchyroll

    Desktop AMP for my Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro (250OHM)

    Thanks very much billybob, I'll look into the Schiit models, I've also heard good things about them, although buying them from a UK retailer who's website doesnt function properly kinda scares me a bit if I'm being honest haha.   So in your opinion the Schiit modi + Magni are the top choice...
  4. crunchyroll

    Desktop AMP for my Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro (250OHM)

    Ok I shouldve been more specific here, it was a youtube review that put it down, and not a crazy popular youtuber either by the looks of it :p i wont name and shame but he praised the E09k a tonne but said that you're better off getting a different DAC instead of the E17.   I'm definitely over...
  5. crunchyroll

    Desktop AMP for my Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro (250OHM)

    The motherboard I have is an Asus Z-87k, its nothing special as far as functionality goes really :p   I'll check out the E11k though :) Would you recommend that over getting an E17 now and an E09k later down the line? I take it that the E11k and the E09k are both similar AMP's and its just the...
  6. crunchyroll

    Desktop AMP for my Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro (250OHM)

    Hey guys   So I'm in the market for a desktop AMP for my new headphones, I've been using the search function on the site to see what other people suggested but each thread seemed to suggest a different amp for different purposes and it kinda threw me off since I don't know a lot about amps or...
  7. crunchyroll

    New Member Introductions thread

    Hey guys!   After years of using my trusty Microsoft Lifechat headset for gaming and listening to music on my PC, I've decided to take the plunge and get some new tasty headphones and an amp/dac too. I'm still trying to get my head around all the terminology and abbreviations so i figured a...