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  1. one1speed

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Have you heard it? I highly doubt it lacks bass, probably has plenty of kick for those who prefer their bass as the musician intends. Either way, it's double the cost of the Black model, which costs around $350. I'm afraid the additional $150 won't get any of us close to these.
  2. one1speed

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Would you mind sharing specifically what you used? I am using double foams and still have to wear the wire over my ears for them to stay put.
  3. one1speed

    Earbuds Round-Up

    There has been a fair bit of chatter about this recently on this thread. Basically, it's well worth the $$ if it fits. Fit is a bit tougher than a bud with a more traditional shell. Very smooth and well extended. The review in the reviews section by Bloody Penguin pretty much sums up all that...
  4. one1speed

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Do give them some more time. I find that they open up nicely, as with other headphones and speakers, sound changes as they continue to break in. Originally, I thought they were too warm and the top end seemed rolled off. But this is one phone you definitely can't judge until they have a good...
  5. one1speed

    Earbuds Round-Up

    I was going to post the same. I have the Masya and while the fit is a little finicky, I am constantly impressed with what one can get for just over $100. Really impressive.
  6. one1speed

    Earbuds Round-Up

    This surprises me, but it may be a difference in source. I don't find the BKs bright at all. Compared to my Grados and Masya, the top end was rolled off, to the point I was worried the buds sounded a little dark, though the treble has come in nicely. I also had to turn off the EQ, as the bass...
  7. one1speed

    Earbuds Round-Up

    The only one of those I own / have tried is the Masya and find it's great bang for the buck when looking at higher end buds. I think it sounds really good, very smooth, well extended, etc. The drawback is the unique design, as it may or may not fit terribly well. If you take the time to dial in...
  8. one1speed

    Yuin PK1 still valid?

    These are nice, I agree. I have a good bit of hours into them, though still a ways to go before they are broken in. They do sound better with time, bass is coming in (though not a bassy sound), and they are opening up a bit. I've got three active earbuds right now, so like to mix it up. Also...
  9. one1speed

    Earbuds Round-Up

    They have Heigi foams at Amazon as well, though am unsure if they have the donut foams.
  10. one1speed

    Earbuds Round-Up

    This is interesting, was wondering what kind of power is needed for some of the higher ohm buds. I've considered K's 500 and the Yinman 600, but didn't know if my amp had enough power. If you're ok with 130mW, Imay be ok, as I'm seeing in the specs that my Concero HP puts out 270mW @ 32ohms...
  11. one1speed

    Grado Fan Club!

    I've used the G-Cush on the 500e and do enjoy it. It makes them a little more polite, changes the balance a touch. I tend to use them for bigger music, not so much for faster, grittier punk, for instance. More often when you want the sense of space and a slightly more refined treble, touch less...
  12. one1speed

    Earbuds Round-Up

      Nice review. I find I like these quite a bit, though am noting my Masya (recent purchase) have a different screen over the drivers, where the perforations are continuous throughout the screen. I do have a hard time with fit, struggling with this, but find the sound to be very good, especially...
  13. one1speed

    Grado Fan Club!

    I don't have a lot to compare to, but the Concero really seems to bring out the best without changing the signature. I don't feel it imparts anything, has a very clean, clear sound and offers plenty of power for what I'm tried it with so far. I'd certainly recommend it.   Recently I've been...
  14. one1speed

    Grado Fan Club!

    I had an early version of the RS2e for a while and was dying to try the PS500e, eventually picked them up. In my system, I preferred the 500e and feel they only continue to improve, have had them around 2 years. There wasn't a huge difference between the two (noting the 2e had a lot more time in...
  15. one1speed

    Earbuds Round-Up

    This is interesting. I have the Grado PS500e headphone, but as good as they sound, I don't love wearing full sized headphones for longer periods of time. My goal with earbuds is the try to find something that will get close to matching them. While I am new to buds, and find their capability far...
  16. one1speed

    Earbuds Round-Up

    No worries! Need some time with them yet. 
  17. one1speed

    Earbuds Round-Up

    I can't compare the Masya to the Yinman, but do have Yuins. The diameter of the driver portion of the housing is a little smaller on the Masya and I find them harder to fit. In my case, the right bud fits fairly well, but the left is finicky. If you look at them compared to the Yuins, the space...
  18. one1speed

    Earbuds Round-Up

    I would agree with this. Going back to my days of experimenting with amps and speakers, thinner cable can have built in resistance, which is beneficial to some drivers. Other drivers benefit for the additional bandwidth and beefier cable offers. I'm certainly not an expert, but read may threads...
  19. one1speed

    Earbuds Round-Up

    I thought I would post an additional reply to this. I had my Masya come in from Penon this morning, quite impressed so far. I wanted to note the screen on the drivers I received are not those shown above. Mine have the small holes throughout the screen, as in the original, not the minimized...
  20. one1speed

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Question, has anyone been able to compare the CampFred to the Shozy BK? Curious about the difference in the tuning between the two. Thx!
  21. one1speed

    Earbuds Round-Up

    You can find Yuin through Amazon, and I've seen them at Penon Audio as well. I'm sure there are other places, such as Aliexpress, etc.
  22. one1speed

    Yuin PK1 still valid?

    At this point, I'm think more impressed with what these are capable of, than feeling they are a perfect fit. Like many others, I didn't realize what an earbud was capable of. If the upper mids and treble open up a bit, I'll like them a bit more.   Appreciate the thoughts.    Edit to add...
  23. one1speed

    Yuin PK1 still valid?

    Thank you for the thoughtful reply and links. I finally decided earlier to just give them a shot. I will say that while I can see their shortcomings at this early stage (understanding they get better with burn-in), I was pretty blown away. I really wasn't sure what to expect, but out of my dac /...