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  1. Name User

    Best Smartphone for audiophile

    Got an Xperia X Compact because my priorities are:   1 - Size 2 - Audio 3 - Price   Audio quality is fine I guess, doesn't seem as disappointing as the Moto G4 Play and compares ok to my dying HTC One S. Looking back I realize how good the S was, I think turning on the Beats stuff enabled...
  2. Name User

    Sony MDR-7520

    Another update: The 7520 materials are better than the 7510, except they're not. The magnesium instead of plastic and the larger driver make the 7520s heavier and less comfortable than the 7510s. The headband is stiffer too. Also, I think the 7520s have thicker leather on the pads, which to me...
  3. Name User

    Auray Extra Deep Earpads

    These look really interesting. I'm considering getting the MDR-CD900ST, but shallow earcups bother me with other headphones. These would also fit that model.   I'm mostly interested in mixing, so I'm curious how drastically these can change the sound. I'll let you know if I find anything.
  4. Name User

    Sony MDR-7520

      Thank you for that cd900st recommendation, it's not every day sometime tells me about headphones I've never heard of. After years of dismissing the V6 and 7506s I recently tried a new pair and the build quality was INCREDIBLE. They feel so good in the hands, such precise perfect hinges, great...
  5. Name User

    Sony MDR-7520

    Thanks, that's encouraging. I still have a few weeks before I have to decide to return them.   Quote:   Thanks, I'll consider those as well.
  6. Name User

    Sony MDR-7520

    Well, after ordering 4 pairs of 7510s at work I decided to buy the 7520s again for personal use.   I want accurate mixing headphones with a leather earpad for under $300. I sold my HD650s because of the velour earpads. The 7520s are just as useable for audio work as the HD650s, at the expense...
  7. Name User

    Sony MDR-7520

    Got the 7520s because I've been looking for a more durable, metal + leather earpad alternative to my HD650s. For me mixing/monitoring accuracy is a priority.   Funny thing is I'm returning the 7520s and also giving up on the HD650s as well. The 7520s match the HD650s in detail but not stereo...
  8. Name User

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    There's no way that changing the physical form of a headphone will cause only positive qualities to emerge. You made a difference so now they're different. There are probably hollowed out points in the spectrum or other, possibly minor, anomalies.   Though I 'spose that's why you're Fearless.
  9. Name User

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Ugh looks like I'm not allowed to make a thread. Can anyone suggest a leather headband alternative headphones to the HD650s? Accuracy for mixing is #1 priority, wouldn't want to spend more than a grand. The mod mentioned previously probably makes wacky changes to the sound.   Never thought I'd...