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  1. Cryton

    ATH-A900 parts available?

    My 1.5year old ATH-A900's broke. They still work fine but are unwearable now and obviously my warranty has expired (which Audiocubes confirmed). The plastic piece above where it says "RIGHT" and where the headband connects to decided to break. Is this piece available to buy anywhere? (Did a...
  2. Cryton

    Headphone costs...

    It's all true. I first came here because I got a new MP3 player for work and didn't like the stock buds included. Not terrible but just hated how they fit so I scoured the internet for what to replace them with and ended up here. Few bucks later I was happy with a new pair of PX100. Problem is...
  3. Cryton

    Edmonton-And-Surrounding-Urbanities Team, ASSEMBLE!

    Wish I could go but a bit too far out of my way (I'm in RD). Sounds like a lot more people are from this neck of the woods than I first thought tho! Just curious tho.. Noticed a few people have ATH-A900's and kinda curious where you got them from? Local? I'm very interested in these cans...
  4. Cryton

    Cleaning up

    I'd also suggest washing your hands with Isopropyl Alcohol. After manually cleaning PCBs at work (I don't like using our ultrasonic cleaner all the time, big hassle and I worry about the expensive/delicate parts) I usually splash some alcohol on a rag and wipe my hands thoroughly. I then wash...
  5. Cryton

    HD650,RS1,and then PX100

    I just bought some PX100's too about 1hr ago and currently putting them thru their paces. Source is a Creative Zen Microphoto used for work and have only the stock buds to compare these to (which were decent but leave lots to be desired imo). My current impression: I'm usually the type that...
  6. Cryton

    Gaming headphones on a budget

    Quote: Originally Posted by device manager RMA them? It's well past the warranty period by now, I was also in the middle of moving at the time = not enough time to RMA (plus lack of internet and I had packed it's box and stuff by then). Then I lost the receipt in the move and only...
  7. Cryton

    Gaming headphones on a budget

    What about good gaming headphones with microphones? I really need a microphone while gaming and find that deskmount mics don't give me the clarity I require. Any suggestions? I've previously owned a pair of Sennheiser PC150's that, I thought, were rather cheaply made and pretty expensive at...
  8. Cryton

    Buying Headphones

    I think people are going to need more information to make more accurate suggestions. Where do you plan on listening to these - train/bus, school, work, etc..? What types of music do you listen to? How do you prefer headphones to sound - lots of bass, etc..? Do you want headphones or earbuds or...