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  1. dBTelos

    Headphone amp

    Juli@ > Amp > Grado SR-225 Could you guys tell me what is a good headphone amp for various price ranges: 0 - $50, $50 - $150, etc. I can buy used also if it is a good idea and will get me more.
  2. dBTelos

    Headphone Amp for this setup

    Juli@ > Amp > SR-225 Could you guys tell me what is a good headphone amp for various price ranges: 0 - $50, $50 - $150, etc. I can buy used also if it is a good idea and will get me more.
  3. dBTelos

    Juli@, Unbalanced RCA vs Balanced TRS The Juli@ has balanced TRS and unbalanced RCA. Which can/should I use. I know I can use RCA, but is TRS better, or is it not made for connecting a Juli@ to a PA2v2?
  4. dBTelos


    Anyone heard of them? They are a rock band, and I have searched everywhere for their songs. I found one, Big Sun which I heard on the radio. I would like info on how to get one of their albums.
  5. dBTelos

    Official Foobar Gallery

    How about something new
  6. dBTelos

    New headphones and sound card

    Quote: Originally Posted by 003 From what I hear, the PA2V2 is susposed to be very good with grados. Thats nice to know, do you know what kind of effect it has on the sound though?
  7. dBTelos

    New headphones and sound card

    What kind of effect does the PA2v2 have on the SR-225s? Edit: what amp for under $100 adds the most depth and detail to all kinds of rock music that would compliment the sr225s?
  8. dBTelos

    New headphones and sound card

    Quote: Originally Posted by 003 Actually, the LynxTwo, which is even more expensive. Somebody posted a link about that in my Juli@ review thread in the computer-as-source forum. Right now I am forced to use a PA2V2 with the Juli@ until the headfive gets here, and I am using cheapish...
  9. dBTelos

    New headphones and sound card

    I now know what kind of cable to get, just if it is worth spending $10+ more dollers on a really good cable, or if I should just get the cheapest one I can find.
  10. dBTelos

    New headphones and sound card

    I figured out that I would use the 2 outputs on the Juli@ and put 2 male mini-rca cables in that, outputing the signal through a mini-stereo 1/8" into the input of the PA2v2. Then plugging the headphones into the output on the PA2v2. If this is correct, does it make much difference if I use a...
  11. dBTelos

    New headphones and sound card

    Quote: Originally Posted by Chri5peed I was choosing between the two a few months back. From my experience it seems they are regarded to be of a similar footing. I got the Juli@ because it had the output RCAs directly on the card. With the 1212 you have to get a 3rd party breakout cable...
  12. dBTelos

    New headphones and sound card

    After doing some reconsidering, I figure it would be better to get a cheap (fairly) amp, with a high end sound card and some good headphones. I would be getting a Emu 1212M > PA2v2 pocket amp > SR-225s The amp will/would be upgraded to something better, around christmas. I figure this is...
  13. dBTelos

    New headphones and sound card

    "The Revo 7.1 is not as good as the 5.1 in terms of sound quality, and the 5.1 has a basic dedicated headphone amp. Thats why I suggested it. It is by no means a quality amp, but it's better than nothing. It is suggested that you stay away from the SR80/SR125. I don't know the details, but this...
  14. dBTelos

    New headphones and sound card

    Quote: Originally Posted by 003 Please remind me, are you going to be gaming? If not, the X-fi is a complete waste. It does indeed have sub-par sound quality, unless you get the Elite Pro, with the upgraded DACS and opamps, and while this still is not as good as the Juli@ or AP192, it is...
  15. dBTelos

    New headphones and sound card

    Well, my birthday is the first day in september, which I'd like to get the headphones and a soundcard. Then on Christmas get a pretty good amp. So I want a soundcard and headphones that will go well with this plan. From the above posts, and in my situation. I'm thinking a X-Fi Xtreme Music and...
  16. dBTelos

    New headphones and sound card

    Quote: Originally Posted by HFat Assuming you've got a decent source (I don't know jack about the Juli@), all mainstream heaphones will sound good without an amp IME. As to recommendations, you'll find them all over these forums. HD580s aren't my favorites by any means but they're...
  17. dBTelos

    New headphones and sound card

    Quote: Originally Posted by HFat any decent source > your fine headphone of choice (HD580 I gather) You can always upgrade your source and maybe get an amp if and when you turn into a raving audiophile. In the meantime, you'll enjoy really good sound assuming you picked the headphone...
  18. dBTelos

    New headphones and sound card

    What about this combo guys. Juli@ > Audio-Technica ATH-AD700 Besides the headphones above, what are some other good ones that 1) are a good value 2) are easily drivin 3) have high sound quality, but also have a good about of bass 4) good for someone who has never used high end...
  19. dBTelos

    New headphones and sound card

    Quote: Originally Posted by locu64 Headpones like the HD580 really would need a headphone amplifier to sound good because they're not easily driven. Instead you could get a headphone like the Audio-Technica ATH-AD700 which are very easy to drive and just use them straight out of an X-Fi...
  20. dBTelos

    New headphones and sound card

    After reading some more, this is where I am. Juil@ > Head5 > HD580 M-audio audiophile 192 > Head5 > HD580 M-audio above > good headphones that don't need an amp M-audio above > Klipsch PM 2.1s X-Fi XM > Klipsch PM 2.1s X-Fi XM > good headphones that don't need amp which would bring...
  21. dBTelos

    New headphones and sound card

    Well, I have no way of re-ripping the majority of my music. Now that I look at my collection, I'd say 2/3s of it is greater than or equal to 192kbps, with 1/3 being less then that ie 160kbps or 128kbps. If it is still worth it, I will consider that setup 003. BTW, with the Juli@ card would I...
  22. dBTelos

    New headphones and sound card

    Most of my MP3s are 128-192KB/s for bitrate, and a good amount are higher then that. Is it still worth the good equipment. Edit: 003, the Headfive alone is $250, I was planning on spending no more then $300 for a soundcard, headphones, and a headphone amp, if nessisary.