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  1. Magnetbrain

    Just got myself Senn HD650 + Schiit M&M stack, sounds awful! Advice?

      Virtually no soundstage whatsoever, frequency range + sound quality just sounded abysmal. My HD439's play music better. But it doesn't really make much sense at all, because I throw soundtests (like ) and the HD650's absolutely blow anything else...
  2. Magnetbrain

    Just got myself Senn HD650 + Schiit M&M stack, sounds awful! Advice?

    I've used both WASAPI and KS, neither changed the sound at all really. :S I'll mess around with your suggestions in a bit.
  3. Magnetbrain

    Just got myself Senn HD650 + Schiit M&M stack, sounds awful! Advice?

    Its any music that I throw at it, regardless of player. I've been using it on Standard, but I'll try it on Expert with the drivers now and report back. EDIT: Installed the drivers, music sounds exactly the same as it did beforehand.
  4. Magnetbrain

    Just got myself Senn HD650 + Schiit M&M stack, sounds awful! Advice?

    Hey guys, So, I just bought myself some HD650s, paired with a Schiit Magni 2 & Modi 2. I've seen plenty of positive reviews about this combo, but when I tried listening to music it sounded, well, pretty awful. I've googled sound tests etc, and they've all been fine and excellent-sounding, but...
  5. Magnetbrain

    V-Moda M100 Cable & Sennheiser Momentum Over-Ear?

    Hey guys, just wondering, is the M100 cable compatible with the Momentum Over-Ear? Probs a noob question, but I need a new cable for my Momentum (current one broke) and spares are crazy hard to buy direct from Sennheiser (in Australia).
  6. Magnetbrain

    Amp/DAC combo for HD650 + iPod Classic 7g?

    Hey guys, I'm considering buying a set of HD650s, and I'm wondering what my best bet is for an amp/DAC combo with my iPod Classic 7g (Rockboxed)? I'm considering getting a Fiio E17 & L9... According to other posts here, the E17's DAC won't work with the iPod Classic - how much am I missing out...
  7. Magnetbrain

    Looking for a good HD 439 upgrade?

    About to place an order on the SRH940 (going up from the 840's), any last recommendations?
  8. Magnetbrain

    Looking for a good HD 439 upgrade?

      That's not too bad, although I've gone through sessions of 5-6 hours straight usage (travel time, school, general not-at-home use) with the HD439 no worries. I obviously understand if an upgrade might not be able to match that, but something 3+ is necessary.   Any other suggestions though...
  9. Magnetbrain

    Looking for a good HD 439 upgrade?

    Thanks for all the suggestions guys! :)   The K550 seem to have pretty awful reviews around the place in regards to treble... so nah, sorry. Also with the ATH ES700, they get pretty uncomfortable after awhile (would rather something easier to wear for longer periods of time).   The SRH840...
  10. Magnetbrain

    Looking for a good HD 439 upgrade?

    Hey all,   I've been using the same pair of HD 439's for about 2 years now (first pair of headphones, only other pair I own is PC363D), and I've decided it's time for an upgrade. My budget is AUD$100-300. Could you guys please give me some suggestions as to what I should get? Preferably...