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  1. Nathanont

    Any Etymotic fan or Etymotic people please come in

    Three days before, when I tried to change foam tip to my ER4S ,the right driver tube was broken. I 've bought it on 18 feb 2007 so with my understanding it 's still in warranty period (2 years) So I went to the shop that I 've bought (I live in Thailand) They refused to change the new one for me...
  2. Nathanont

    Not for musical purpose, Can K701 compete with K1000

    Now I am using Akg K701 ,my primary usage is for analysis not for enjoyment . I suppose that I have many good component enough so I can say that Now I can drive my can perfectly. I can hear many details in the song with my 701, but now I am doubt that K1000 can be better . So that, Can K701...
  3. Nathanont

    K501 or K701 ?

    If the neutrality is ONLY concerned , Should I choose between these , K501 or K701 ? Last night i 've audited K501 and K701 and I 've found that K501 gives me more neutral and more real soundstage according to my ears . So all your opinions will be useful , I hope for you all ! Thank in...
  4. Nathanont

    Sone words of praise for Westone from Thailand

    due to my post , i am the customer of Westone , living in Thailand . I 've sent them UM2 for repairing since 9 June , at first , because Thailand is a very distant place from them and not many people in Thai know Westone . I am uncertain...
  5. Nathanont

    How long for repairing Westone UM2

    My Westone UM2 has some problems and I think its drivers was damaged . So last tuesday, 6 Jun 2006 , I 've sent it to Westone Lab with FedEX ( I permanently live in Thailand) .I 've checked that they 've received it on 9 Jun 2006 but now Westone still not reply me so i 'm very concerned that...