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  1. cronin

    NocturnaL Audio Custom Headphone Cables

    I would prefer to buy in US so I can get it shipped quicker.. I see that site has items listed in Singapore dollars. What exact cable do I need to order for UE TF10? 
  2. cronin

    NocturnaL Audio Custom Headphone Cables

    I see prices are in Singapore $ ... I would rather prefer buying from someone here in US so I can get it quicker. 
  3. cronin

    Ultimate Ears flip-flop mod (please help)

    Just did this mod, thank you! 
  4. cronin

    NocturnaL Audio Custom Headphone Cables

    How much would it be for a custom cable for TF10? I haven't used these headphones in years since stock cable was always annoying to me and I'm looking to replace it. PM me please. Thanks 