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  1. Matheew

    Bowers & Wilkins P7 Wireless - Impressions Thread

    Using these headphones at work with W10 and Skype for business with limited success. Very frequently Skype crashes and the bluetooth connection goes down, after that I have to reboot my computer to get it working again. Is anyone experiencing the same problem with these headphones or any other...
  2. Matheew

    Bowers & Wilkins P7 Wireless - Impressions Thread

    I've had my P7's for a couple of weeks now and I'm experiencing some issues. The P7's no longer play the on/off/paired-sounds and it wont turn off automatically after 10 mins of inactivity. I've tried the reboot without success, anyone have any clue what this is about? Found the solution for...
  3. Matheew

    Bowers & Wilkins P7 Wireless - Impressions Thread

    Probably picking up one of these this month, I will be using them as i commute and they might be used in some "harsher" environments. Do you guys think they will be OK if you gently put them in a shoulder bag without the carrying case? Can they take a few drops of rain (meaning som light...
  4. Matheew

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    What amp would you find most suitable for the 650's, Schiit Vali or the O2?
  5. Matheew

    The Beyerdynamic DT880 Discussion thread

    Then it isn't just me being deaf than, that's a comfort. What would you have to pay to get an amp that you don't even need to pass 50% with?
  6. Matheew

    The Beyerdynamic DT880 Discussion thread

    How high can you turn the volume on the Vali? I got my Vali and Modi the other day and uses them with a pair of DT880 250 ohm and could easily turn it up top 90% when listening to heavy metal...
  7. Matheew

    What option should I go with (Headphones + DAC/Amp)!?

      This is my second time trying to post a reply since my computer shut down just before I was done wirting an extensive one. I did recieve my vali and modi, yes. The product are at first glance indeed a nice sight and the build quality is quite superb. I've ony listened to the Vali for a...
  8. Matheew

    What option should I go with (Headphones + DAC/Amp)!?

     Thanks for all the answers, once again... Well, according to Fedex it will arrive April 16 but I fear it may take longer. The shipping alternative was 2-4 days but that felt way to optimistic considering that it will travel across the atlantic... Yes, I was pretty surprised about the MX-1...
  9. Matheew

    What option should I go with (Headphones + DAC/Amp)!?

        Quote: The headphones has arrived! I've only listened to them for about an hour but so far I'm pretty pleased. They're indeed the most comfortable headphones I've ever worn, no doubt. The sound quality is very good, especially with male vocals without loud instruments. Fix you with...
  10. Matheew

    What option should I go with (Headphones + DAC/Amp)!?

    Thanks for your reply, insanely quick as usual... ;) I've ordered everything, finally! I couldn't help myself so I went with the most expensive options, Modi + Vali! Hello custom fees and taxes! I chose the premium version of the DT880, mostly because it was available in convenient store but...
  11. Matheew

    What option should I go with (Headphones + DAC/Amp)!?

      Well, You've certainly made me crave the Vali too much to skip it... How do you connect the ODAC to the Vali? Does your ODAC have RCA outputs? The ODAC I can order from HeadnHifi (to get rid of the custom fee) only has a 3.5 output, is there any solution for this? Also, do you have the...
  12. Matheew

    What option should I go with (Headphones + DAC/Amp)!?

      For that incredibly helpful insight I dare to say that you're my hero. Is amazing how perfect these headphones seems to be for me, I've probably hyped way too much at this point. How do they perform in movies?    Doing some math I realized that it would be hell of a lot cheaper to order...
  13. Matheew

    What option should I go with (Headphones + DAC/Amp)!?

      Wow, you guys are truly amazing. I've been on hundreds of forums in my life and I've never experience getting replies this fast and certainly not so well written ones. I'll order Modi + Vali this week together with the DT800. Hopefully I'll be satisfied, if not then I'll try the HD600... What...
  14. Matheew

    What option should I go with (Headphones + DAC/Amp)!?

    Alright, the DT880 250ohm is most definitely an option. Why would you prefer the 880's before the 990's? Yes I'm sure I can get the HE-400 delivered to my house but if I would like to return them for various reasons then I'd have a big problem...   Thanks for this awesome reply! Concerning...
  15. Matheew

    What option should I go with (Headphones + DAC/Amp)!?

    Thanks a ton for the reply, very appreciated. I'm very convinced that the HE-400's are a very price worthy pair of headphones, despite that they are excluded for my part. Partly because I've heard that they weigh quite a lot and might be uncomfortable during movie marathons and such. But the...
  16. Matheew

    What option should I go with (Headphones + DAC/Amp)!?

    Hey guys, I need some assistance from you enthusiast when choosing what headphones and DAC/Amp to buy. I will be using the headphones for various genres of music none specific and I will be watching quite alot of films. After researching for days I've narrowed it down to three options:   (in...
  17. Matheew

    best headphones under $400

    Would you still rate the X1's above the HE-400 if you get them with the velour pads (which is said to give it a brighter signature)? I'm getting a new pair of headphones and I'm not sure if I'm going with X1, HE-400, Fidelio L2 or 650. I have a Audinst MX-1 to power them with.
  18. Matheew

    Philips Fidelio L2

    My taste in music is very, very mixed. I enjoy listening to some Iron Maiden albums and other types of heavy metal but I also enjoy calm music such as Alexi Murdoch or First Aid Kit (a swedish band, sort of indie pop). I like Avicii as well and therefor need a little of bass to enjoy it to a...
  19. Matheew

    Philips Fidelio L2

    Since my Shure 940's cracked the other day I'm looking for a new pair of headphones to pair with my Audinst HUD-MX1 and I'm seriously considering the Fideliio L2. The SQ with the 940's was amazing but I felt the bass was lacking a bit, something these guys should make up for. I'll be using them...
  20. Matheew

    Sennheiser RS160, 170 ,180... Anyone?

    Hey! Thank you VERY much for the reply, this is just the information I needed. I will order a pair today and hopefully I'll like them when they arrive, which I believe I will! Thank you very much for taking your time to write me a reply!   Greetings Matheew
  21. Matheew

    Sennheiser RS160, 170 ,180... Anyone?

    Hey guys. I'm seriously considering buying a pair of RS-180 but I've got a couple of questions about them, hopefully someone can answer.   1. I've got an amp that I would like to use with the RS-180, is this possible? The amp is an Audinst HUD MX-1...