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  1. Rossymusic4

    Doodlebug - USB Isolator

    I'm using standard redbook 16/44k in Jriver. What other settings should I be looking at? Does the player software make any difference?
  2. Rossymusic4

    Doodlebug - USB Isolator

    I am having a problem getting my Doodlebug to work. I recently bought it from a friend of mine along with his amp, dac and M2tech Hiface. The system worked beautifully together at his place but now, plugged in to my own computer's USB 2, there is no sound even though music appears to be playing...
  3. Rossymusic4

    GTA/Toronto Meet - May 28 2016

    Ha ha. Thanks again for applying the magic twist, Ray; no more dropped channels for the Code-X (he-5)
  4. Rossymusic4

    DNA Stratus 2A3 amplifier - first impressions

    Thanks for taking the lead. No doubt there are a few of us here that will be eagerly waiting to hear your impressions.
  5. Rossymusic4

    DNA Stratus 2A3 amplifier - first impressions

    Gulp...sigh. I don't know what I found more unsettling, your early review of the Dave or the mere mention of the Stellaris. :) Hey congratulations !
  6. Rossymusic4

    GTA/Toronto Meet - May 28 2016

    So l've heard! The WE-275's should be here any day now. We should probably take this to the Stratus thread. I'll post some impressions.
  7. Rossymusic4

    GTA/Toronto Meet - May 28 2016

    Actually, I have been using the EML solids and 5U4G a lot with the Code-X and find that pretty good. I recently picked up a HD800S and have been searching for the right synergy. It's funny you should mention the EML meshes because after the meet l dusted off a pair I hadn't used in months. Wow...
  8. Rossymusic4

    GTA/Toronto Meet - May 28 2016

    Sorry you couldn't make it; it would have been fun to hear another Stratus rig and compare notes. Maybe next time.
  9. Rossymusic4

    GTA/Toronto Meet - May 28 2016

    +1 A really sweet and synergistic amp with the Senns. Nicely done.
  10. Rossymusic4

    GTA/Toronto Meet - May 28 2016

    It was a treat to make it out and meet a lot of new faces ,finally, after missing out for a couple years. People's willingness to take the HD800 challenge rages on and now I'm one of them.. There must have been a half dozen of the flagships there. Thanks, Pavel, for pulling it all together.
  11. Rossymusic4

    GTA Spring 2016 meet

    Hi, I haven't been to one of these for a couple of years and would love to join you all in May. My gear is pretty cumbersome; is there any chance you've got a ramp into the building for a cart? I could bring a DNA Stratus ( the more the merrier), PWD 2, OR5, HD 800S, Code X I also have a LCD3F...
  12. Rossymusic4

    DNA Stratus 2A3 amplifier - first impressions

    I think the solids get overlooked by some, with the EML mesh being slightly more expensive, the assumption may be that they are the better tube. They are not, just different, with the solids excelling in delivering a very natural and full mid body warmth. The meshies are thinner sounding with...
  13. Rossymusic4

    DNA Stratus 2A3 amplifier - first impressions

    If the LCD3 is your main hp with the Stratus, then the mesh-plate EML should be your only 2A3 tube IMO. Much more linear top to bottom and more dimensional sound stage than the solid plates. Superior detail extraction in the mid to high range where the LCD3 really shine. It my favorite 2A3 with...
  14. Rossymusic4

    DNA Stratus 2A3 amplifier - first impressions

    drheadphone, I'm currently using the EML 2a3 solids and 5U4G with my LCD3s and really enjoy this combo. But I am curious about the mesh plates ; is this still your favourite tube for the Audezes . My understanding is that they are more SS sounding and refined on top and bottom. What 's your take?
  15. Rossymusic4

    DNA Stratus 2A3 amplifier - first impressions

    I have the HE-5 ( Code -X ) and share similar musical interests as yourself , fejnomit . They are my favorite cans. Forgive me if I missed something , but what did you find was the ideal tube combo with the Stratus? Thanks!
  16. Rossymusic4

    Jazz listener, how old are you ... ?

    I discovered jazz at the Montreal Jazz festival when I was 16 and have never looked back. It is at the core of my listening. It's fluid musical ideas flowing freely and unexpectantly keep me on the edge of my seat. I'm 50.
  17. Rossymusic4

    Toronto Winter Meet

    Absolutely willing to contribute. I'm still holding on to the faint hope that this could happen in Jan. Unfortunately I will be out of town in Feb. Damn!
  18. Rossymusic4

    Toronto Winter Meet

    Really looking forward to this if it flies. I'll bring LCD3s and Conductor. I would love to hear some HD800 rigs.
  19. Rossymusic4

    Toronto Winter Meet

    I can defiantly come with my LCD3's and Burson Conductor. Still knew to all this and this site and eager to hear other gear.