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  1. aural-matters

    ER-4P for Counterstrike/FPS?

    Quote: Stax phones would probably be the your best option..Fast, great clarity, great detail, huge soundstage, tight, non bloated bass..But again, they aren't cheap..If you compete for money I would Definatly increase my budget for headphones. Seconded. I have the Stax SR-005a system...
  2. aural-matters

    "Hottest" mastered song you own?

    Another (and IMO more accurate) way of finding out the hotness of your songs is by viewing the waveform in Audacity. Hottest in my collection would probably be the infamous Californication. Give It Away shouldn't be hot, unless the Greatest Hits Version is drastically different to the...
  3. aural-matters

    The Stax thread (New)

    No photos, cos my digital camera aint working at the moment... -Steve
  4. aural-matters

    The Stax thread (New)

    Got a serious problem with my Stax. Just now, I had some serious attenuation on the right channel - a loose connector. Unfortunately, I couldn't fix it properly by messing with the connector, so I took them apart. Had some trouble getting them back together (it took several attempts to stop the...
  5. aural-matters

    The Stax thread (New)

    Well they're not suffocating now I know what the problem is. They love me really... EDIT: Not sure if this is the right forum, but I'm looking for a decent interconnect to link my X-Fi Elite Pro and the Stax together. Looking to spend around £50 ($100 approx), and I'm hoping to bring the...
  6. aural-matters

    The Stax thread (New)

    Hehe don't worry it's not ear hair; if it is I've got real problems since I'm a teenager . I'm 16 so it's kinda long (long enough to touch the outer grilles anyway). -Steve
  7. aural-matters

    The Stax thread (New)

    I found out something interesting recently. I don't know if anybody else has experienced this, but I've been getting some crackling from my Stax-003 drivers of late, and I thought they were on their way out... Fortunately it turned out to be my hair touching the drivers LOL. Hope that helps...
  8. aural-matters

    The Stax thread

    Hi guys. After receiving advice on which headphones to buy several months ago, I thought I would return the favour by posting a review. Disclaimer: I'm sorry if this review doesn't contain enough detail or information or is inaccurate. Being young (think 16), I haven't heard a wide range of...
  9. aural-matters

    What is your next headphone upgrade?

    Stax SR-005 system in September, for me.
  10. aural-matters

    Worst Headphone ever

    Quote: When I was drunk wandering around one night I stopped at a drug store that was open till 1am and bought some chips. On the way to the cash, I found a portable battery FM radio that *INCLUDED* batteries and headphones. For $1.99. I got one of those radios for free with the Ice...
  11. aural-matters

    You Might Not Be a Head-Fi Member if.....

    You think that good quality is when you can hear the words (believe me, some of my friends are actually like this).
  12. aural-matters

    Headphone sightings

    I only remember one sighting: A woman with white PX100s walking outside the restaurant I was eating at.
  13. aural-matters

    Which stax would be best?

    I'm planning on getting an X-Fi Elite Pro in September to fulfil my needs for a decent gaming and music source, along with a QED Qunex Signiature 75 interconnect. To round the system off, I'm looking at headphones for around $650. Previous headphones heard are the HD600 (which I enjoyed...
  14. aural-matters

    How loud do you listen?

    I'm another one with extremely sensitive ears, as with my old PX200s, anything over 1/3 on my MP3 player makes my ears numb. Strangely, with the HD600s I'm currently borrowing, I can listen for hours, and at a higher volume without discomfort (although this is probably still lower than most...
  15. aural-matters

    Basking in the HD600s glory

    Quote: Bottom line is, I'd suggest maxing out your HD600 system first. I'd also suggest auditioning the 2020 before you buy it, since it's a very different sound. I'd also suggest auditioning the SR-005a system and the SR-007 (at a meet with a KGSS or ES-1 amps would be ideal since the Stax...
  16. aural-matters

    Basking in the HD600s glory

    So did I, but now I know better!
  17. aural-matters

    Basking in the HD600s glory

    BTW, despite enjoying the borrowed HD600s immensely,I plan to upgrade to a Stax SR 2020 system for Christmas. Anyone think this is a good idea?
  18. aural-matters

    Basking in the HD600s glory

    Thanks for the replies. When compared to my PX200s, they sound smoother, more detailed, more musical, open and natural. After listening to the HD600s, the PX200s sound like tin cans trying to make music (and failing). I could be wrong, but the PX200s seem to have a midrange boost that makes...
  19. aural-matters

    Basking in the HD600s glory

    Hi all. I've been lurking on these forums for a couple of months now, but this is my first post. For the past week, someone my Dad works with very kindly lent me his HD600s for a fortnight. Well.... what can I say? I can't stop grinning, or listening to the music! It's amazing! My previous...