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  1. levito

    Side By Side Comparison - AirPods Max, B&O H95, Dali iO-6, B&W PX8, ML 5909, M&D MW75, Focal Bathys and more

    @Maukey I just read your review, it's excellent and I have to say that I agree on pretty much everything for the headphones that I have tried, which are the Momentum 4 and 3, PX7 S2 and the first generation, and the XM5. I also tried other cans in that price range and below, like the XM4...
  2. levito

    Audio-Technica ATH-M50s, Marshall Monitors, or Sennheiser Momentum On Ears????

    Hey Omanko,   it all depends on what you're looking for. What do you want to do with them? What's your music taste? Don't answer "everything" - there are no headphones which do everything perfect - not even for 1000 bucks.     I have the Marshall Monitors and I like them - even if they have...
  3. levito

    DT880/250 vs Fidelio X1 vs ATH AD900X

    I have listened to the DT 880 Pro (250 Ohms) and the X1 today, and a bunch of others: DT 990 Pro, K 701, HD 558, 600 and 650. However, the Beyers and the K 701 were in one store, the Senns and also the K 701 in the other store. So the AKG was the reference point.   I have never had a chance to...
  4. levito

    Marshal Monitors

    I have the Monitors for some weeks now, and I really like them as portable phones! I think they beat other comparable portables I have tried: e.g. Sony MDR 1R or Bose AE2, and are on par with the Sennheiser Momentum, although they sound quite different. Sound stage and bass extension is better...