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  1. Akaerna

    EPH-100, VC1000, SE315 or X10?

    A lot of you guys were talking about the problems with the size of the EPH-100. I won't have these problems, since my ears are huge. I always wear the biggest ear tip available, but the thing is: it looks really uncomfortable. At the moment, my main choice is the x10, since it looks really...
  2. Akaerna

    EPH-100, VC1000, SE315 or X10?

    Thank for the response guys! I'll probably stick either with EPH-100 or X10. The thing is: I live in Brazil, and I rarely find those IEM's on stores for testing.
  3. Akaerna

    EPH-100, VC1000, SE315 or X10?

    Hi there, just for you guys know this is my first post. I am looking for a IEM for bassheads, under 200, and also comfortable to wear while i'm running. I have in mind: Yamaha EPH-100, VSonic VC1000, Shure SE315 and Klipsch Image X10. Which of these are more Bang for the Buck? Also, could you...