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  1. Kirisame Touko

    Denon D7100?!

    ^ +1, i vote for peace as well
  2. Kirisame Touko

    Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread

    Quote:   @Junior: mine looks virtually identical to yours as well lol.    @M-13: so thats what you meant by the improved LCD 2.2 a while ago? Will a new LCD 2.2 now have a similar freq response to yours? Or is urs just unique?
  3. Kirisame Touko

    Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread

    Quote:   i was not aware that people directly modded the lcd 2 in such a manner. Is this something that only you do? Or is this a known mod? If it is effective, why not share it in detail? 
  4. Kirisame Touko

    Denon D7100?!

    seems like i missed a lot while i was away on the business trip.    Got a chance to listen to a pair of D7100 before i hopped on the plane. Frankly i thought it was a bit disappointing to my usual set ups for my LCD 2, HE-6, HE-500. But i guess it wasn't a fair comparison cause the blasted...
  5. Kirisame Touko

    Denon D7100?!

    Quote:   well i apologize if i offended you. Its just that I own the HE-500, LCD 2.2 and i just love those headphones so much that i just felt skeptical. (i have also tried the HD800 and T1 but those two just didn't suit my personal tastes)   I did not mean to say it with much...
  6. Kirisame Touko

    Denon D7100?!

    Quote:   lol..... that was kinda my thoughts as well. 
  7. Kirisame Touko

    Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread

    Quote:   i feel so lazy. You know this would be much easier if i was in the United States. I think i may get a balanced cable so i can use the emotiva on it but just live with mine unless it cracks. Plus $80 for balanced cable seems a bit expensive to me (saw it on the audeze site) or is...
  8. Kirisame Touko

    Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread

    Quote:   R.I.P.    Quote:   hmmm i c. My LCD 2.2 is not balanced unfortunately. (unlike my HE-500) Contemplated several times of balancing it with 4 pin xlr so i can plug it in the emotiva but i am unsure if it is a good match with a speaker amp. Is it a supposidly a good...
  9. Kirisame Touko

    Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread

    lol. welcome back. Why did u sell yours originally?   I am personally at the stage where i am stuggling to chose between the HE-500 and LCD 2.2. My HE-500 has a edge in the amp since its connected to the emotiva 100x mini (4 pin xlr to banana plugs) while the LCD 2.2 is connected to Asgard...
  10. Kirisame Touko

    Beyerdynamic T90 Discussion and Support Thread

    after spending most of my time lurking on the HE-500 and Audeze LCD threads it just feels more hostile. :p
  11. Kirisame Touko

    Denon D7100?!

    rly? thats a bit suprising. Haven't had the chance to actually listen to them but to me the asthetics is just really off putting for me. I have similar problems with HD 650/600 (but i have listened to those before)
  12. Kirisame Touko

    MrSpeakers Alpha Dog Revealed! - The World's First Production 3D-Printed Headphones

    i wonder how good the margins are if you use a 3D print to produce this.
  13. Kirisame Touko

    Beyerdynamic T90 Discussion and Support Thread

    lol why are people here so angry....
  14. Kirisame Touko

    Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread

    u talking about the audeze's new closed bak they talk about? Wonder ow good i'll sound to the original. I'm gong to be disappointed if sound leaks like the Denon Dxxxx series though
  15. Kirisame Touko

    Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread

    does that mean LCD 3 will be the new second best sounding headphone later down the road?
  16. Kirisame Touko

    Audeze LCD-2 Rev.2 Vs. Fostex TH900 Regarding Only Midrange (Disregarding Highs and Bass).

    um i have not listened to TH900 but i have listened to both D7000 (very similar / same company) and LCD 2.2. If your just talking about the mids i would say that LCD 2.2 is better than the TH900. I found the D7000 mids to be good but slightly recessed. However the mids in the LCD 2.2 is one of...
  17. Kirisame Touko

    Unused headphone cord, what are you doing with yours?

    you can get two pieces of velcro that is small rectangle size. Roll the wire up into a circle and use the velcro on opposite sides. Not sure if my explaination is very good though
  18. Kirisame Touko

    Any good pairs of headphones under $75?

    if the recipient likes low bass grado may not be a great option for this as much as i think grado 80/60i is a great bang for the buck
  19. Kirisame Touko

    Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread that is a bit unsettling. I've been using mine for several months until i realized that there was a cracking issue for non angled. Atleast the odds are with me if u say 20%. Btw do you know if the crack effects the sounds of the headphones (or make it dysfunctional) or is it just a...
  20. Kirisame Touko

    Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread

    i was in the same situation as you..... Until i got a job and finally graduated from being a poor grad student if your not paying for rent though you'll be suprised how quickly u rack up money even with a min wage job. (especially in america)
  21. Kirisame Touko

    Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread

    well thxs for the heads up. Been using a used LCD 2.2 purchased in 2011 but no cracks yet. I hope it stays that way.  
  22. Kirisame Touko

    Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread

    is it very likely for a LCD 2.2 rosewood without angled connectors to crack? What are some good precautionary measures to perhaps reduce such odds? The headphone itself is usually in a well airconditioned indoor environment
  23. Kirisame Touko

    HiFiman HE-500 (HE as in High End) Proving to be an enjoyable experience in listening.

    Quote: man that vat tax is a killer. I thought prices in asia were pretty bad but europe is a whole new level. I usually purchased expensive headphones like HE-6, HE-500, LCD 2.2 used and have it shipped to my friend's in america. During my business trip i go and pick it up when you buy...
  24. Kirisame Touko

    Rank the Headphones that You Own.

    Quote:   ya, thats true. But i don't think i've ever bought headphones in korea though. Just looked from distance in disgust. I would buy only occassionally in japan when i buy audio technica.   but ordering phones to an american friend and picking it up during vacation = currency win...
  25. Kirisame Touko

    Rank the Headphones that You Own.

    HE-6 HE-500 LCD 2.2 D7000 Shure 535 ESW9 Bose qc15 I probabily would've had to file for bankrupcy if i bought all these from Korea or Japan. In the end the high rates for japanese yen vs dollar saved me so much money. (rates not so high anymore though) I would put LCD 2.2 above...