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  1. thesmileman

    Monoprice Desktop Headphone Amplifier #11567

    On mine both line out and preout are both adjustable and they seem to provide the same amount of amplification.   I put my impressions on the reddit link above in the comments. 
  2. thesmileman

    Monoprice Desktop Headphone Amplifier #11567

    Edit: Deleted entire initial impressions because PurpleAngel felt the mentioning another site by name(and just to avoid confusion that I posted the comments in two places) was against the rules. Please forgive me for my transgressions PurpleAngel and headfi I will do my best to never post review...
  3. thesmileman

    New AKG K601 and K701 coming to HeadRoom

    Quote: Originally Posted by Samgotit Hey... this is Great. All of us Jackasses backpedaling . Now that I learned my life lesson for the day I don't have to watch Oprah or Dr. Phil. So thanks everyone, that's two hours gained I can use to play in the dirt delivered today that will...
  4. thesmileman

    New AKG K601 and K701 coming to HeadRoom

    Quote: Originally Posted by Yesfan70 Ok, I have a question. First, the word "again" in Smileman's post was what sparked me to ask it. Is this common practice for Headroom to do this? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that DoubleE got his headphones quickly and didn't have to wait like...
  5. thesmileman

    New AKG K601 and K701 coming to HeadRoom

    Just got Shipping confirmation. I am much happier now. Sorry for being so Angry! :0)
  6. thesmileman

    New AKG K601 and K701 coming to HeadRoom

    Thanks Headroom! I just called and mine are being charged right now and will ship out this morning. Thanks again headroom for billing and shipping out of order! ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! $@!@!@!! Bouncy is fighting mad. I know it is only a couple of days but it just pisses me off that...
  7. thesmileman

    New AKG K601 and K701 coming to HeadRoom

    What! I haven't got my confirmation and I ordered on Feb 3rd! Arrggghh. Bouncy may have to kill someone!
  8. thesmileman

    New AKG K601 and K701 coming to HeadRoom

    That just made "Bouncy's day! He was crying this morning thinking about another day listing to his HD570s but you sure took that away now that he knows he only has a few more days until he is in an iPod White heaven of audio bliss. I ordered mine on the the 3rd!
  9. thesmileman

    Show me your headphone stands/displays!

    Quote: Originally Posted by VR6ofpain Best 'stand' ever! Thank you, thank you. Bouncy and I do try our best. Wondering what my other stand I will have to use for these old hd570s when the 701s get here? Maybe I will use Fiddle. He ought to work nicely.(If your wondering who...
  10. thesmileman

    Upgrade from HD570 to AKG701

    Thanks the info and comparison will be great! I am thinking about posting detailed instructions for how to build the amp like mine and my future DIY projects. This was my first real attempt at anything like this and it was really fun (and a lot of headaches). You might want to try building...
  11. thesmileman

    Show me your headphone stands/displays!

    I use "Bouncy" as my headphone stand. Only picture I have currently is my Avatar on the left. I am sure someone will say this is a bad idea but I think it is cute and Works really well. That pic is of him kicking back but he sets up fully and keeps everything off the ground normally. Edit...
  12. thesmileman

    Upgrade from HD570 to AKG701

    Hello everyone I am in the process of upgrading from my HD570s to AKGs 701s. That is if Jamey will every get me my pair I ordered over a month ago. I am curious if anyone has the done a simular upgrade and what differences I should expect. I have absolutly loved my 570s over the last few...
  13. thesmileman

    New AKG K601 and K701 coming to HeadRoom

    Any news on the next shipment to fufill the rest of the orders on the 701s. I ordered mine Feb 3. I am dying for my 701s Everyone is taunting me with their posts like "Nothing better than the 701 not even sex!" Please I need to know!!! I know you said two weeks and that will be tommorow will...