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  1. padi89

    Audioengine A5 - best DT active speakers under $400?

    If you get them for £200 i think that's OK, they are going to £250 which i think could be a bad move eg. DENON DM37DAB MICRO SYSTEM WITH Q ACOUSTICS 1010i SPEAKERS SIZZLER - available from Superfi UK Visit for details
  2. padi89

    Audioengine A5 - best DT active speakers under $400?

    I see Audio Engine A5's are now gone or are going to £250 . At £200 i think they were good but at £250 your money will be better spent on 2nd hand separate amp and speakers or some used monitors. The UK market is great for used gear, that's where i would be putting my money.
  3. padi89

    PC Speakers ~£100

    Creative T-40 highly recommended !
  4. padi89

    Post pics of your computer rigs here.

    Quote: Originally Posted by krmathis /me really like! May I ask where you got that desktop background? no idea , i think from some photography site
  5. padi89

    Headphones worth it? , buy from there, excellent service and they honor their return options no problem.Highly recommend using them.
  6. padi89

    Goodbye headphones/IEMs....Speakers here i come !

    Quote: Originally Posted by adfinni Il try and compare them at a meet over here in the UK off another forum to my ATCs. But I doubt they will be as revealing as these things, a bad recording sounds bad but the better recordings just sound sensational ! Im quite happy with speakers...
  7. padi89

    sonus faber guarneri memento

    Cool, you lucky thing.Sonus Fabers make some beautiful speakers, ive only heard the auditor standmount and it was incredible, id love a pair but for now they are out of my budget.
  8. padi89

    Anybody out there with experience involving USPS shipping to Ireland?

    Quote: Originally Posted by eiop It IS something particular with Ireland. I'm here for school, and the Irish have the ****tiest postal service I'm ever used. Nonsense, you had a bad experience with the postal service here that could happen anywhere in the world.Packages not...
  9. padi89

    don't walk around with your blackberry

    "Paul and I were outside having a smoke. We were chatting about the dangers of black berry users…" Without trying to sound anti smoking etc but i found that pretty funny.
  10. padi89

    Audiologist in Dublin (Ireland)

    13th Post Down My ears hurt!! -
  11. padi89

    What's you ultimate bass moment?

    For me i love Chemical Brothers Bass Test,will worth a buy if you can find it,link here to youtube but obviously quality is poor YouTube - chemical brothers - Bass Test
  12. padi89

    Post Your Photography Here #2

    Sunset in Galway Ireland.
  13. padi89

    Flexible, HQ speaker cables

    Van Damme Blue series if you can get it there 2.5mm should be right,gets the thumbs up on plenty of Hi-Fi forums.This seems the same as the Van Damme stuff Blue Jeans cable do some Belden speaker cable,might be worth a look.
  14. padi89

    Head-Fiers in the Military

    Quote: Originally Posted by Dept_of_Alchemy The US military budget is probably a little bigger than your postal service's... just a guess. Ha ,point taken.
  15. padi89

    why don't (some) people shipped worldwide? :(

    Quote: Originally Posted by tk3 Shipping time drastically varies also, inside EU things usually arrive within 2-3 days, while a package to US generally takes 2-3 weeks, Disagree with you there,well from my own experience.Inside the EU for me always has been 4-5 working days...
  16. padi89

    Head-Fiers in the Military

    Quote: Originally Posted by naamanf Mail only takes about a week so it isn't that bad. Sh1t,thats seriously quick considering it takes about the same from the UK to me in Ireland, go figure?
  17. padi89

    RWC 2007: Double Upsets in Quarter Finals

    Quote: Originally Posted by gaijin Bizarre ? France played well, and has beaten New Zealand before. Now we are going to kick some English ass !!!! Bizarre?,YES, two upsets in one day.It does not matter if the French have beaten New Zealand before.Going on their OK performance...
  18. padi89

    The "I hate waiting for parcels" thread.

    OK......breath slowwwwwwwwww........deep breath........... Ordered a Nikon D40 with extras,marked as "In Stock",get an email today telling me they are "not in stock" and i have to wait ten days for their expected delivery.......... Paid for an Integrated Amp Monday 2 weeks ago,expecting it...
  19. padi89

    Beer question: How many pints do you drink per week?

    Average 12 but this can vary SO much either way.......
  20. padi89

    Post the last thing you bought. Oh fun!

    Have heard wonderful things about this 90s Amp, cost me very little too Harmon Kardon 6550,tomorrow i should have it These should arrive Tue,they blew my mind when i heard them Dynaudio Focus 110 in Rosewood......mmm rosewood
  21. padi89

    Bit of advice starting off :Photography

    Thanks for all the replys.I was pretty set on just going with the Canon 400d with kit lens to start off but im not to sure now.I went into my local store today to view it but i found the Nikon d40 much more comfortable to hold and use, i really liked the weight and build too compared with the...
  22. padi89

    Bit of advice starting off :Photography

    To make a long story short basically what i want to do is move away from the point n shoot market into DSLR.I have been using a Sony DSC 60 for the last 2-3 years and while its been great i do feel its time to move on and up.I do spend a lot of time outdoors and i do see some amazing scenes...
  23. padi89

    what would you do if you went deaf?

    Sell my gear and probably get into photography, stimulate the eyes......