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  1. C

    Rank the Headphones that You Own.

    Quote: I suppose I just use the vmoda more than the sr80 hence I appreciated the vmoda more. As for the fa-011, It just never got to me. I mean, it's not bad headphones, but I just preferred listening to Celine dion and frankie valli in the m50 than in the fa-011. Now I got my he-500, not...
  2. C

    Rank the Headphones that You Own.

    Quote: Hmm, that's a surprise. I think my siberia pads are just so worn out or I don't plug in my siberia to my DAC and amp as I need the mic, but either way, I consider both a 'waste' of my money :<
  3. C

    Rank the Headphones that You Own.

    Headphones   1. HE-500 with AudioEngine D1 Dac + Schitt Magni       2) ATH-m50 3) V-moda m-80 4) Grado sr-80i 5) Fischer Audio FA-011 . . . 100) SteelSeries Siberia v2 Na'Vi Edition   IEM  1) Shure SE535 Red Edition 2) BeyerDynamic XP3   ABX Testing with He-500...
  4. C

    can't post photos <- New member? Read your Welcome Message

    Hi,   I also have a problem uplading a photo.   If I click insert image, a progress bar shows up and that's it. I get no options to upload a photo or anything.   thanks,