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  1. atiron

    Colorfly C3 Discussion Thread

    Ok, I've gotten my issues resolved, thanks to oldude's suggestions.  I did not update the firmware, but instead installed Hidden Cleaner to remove the mac attack from my flash cards.  Everything is good now, folders play straight through, no pops.   I'm using my c-3 in two different ways...
  2. atiron

    Colorfly C3 Discussion Thread

    Thanks for the reply, olddude.  I'll give that a go for the update.   I am only using my C-3 for WAV files, mostly 16/44.1 wavs from CDs.     I am a musician and I originally bought the C-3 in order to listen to 24/44.1 files of rough mixes of recordings that I am working on.  It works...
  3. atiron

    Colorfly C3 Discussion Thread

    I've had my c-3 for about three weeks now and am very happy with the sound, but I am still having issues with it playing entire folders through.  It keeps playing two songs and then stopping.  I have set and reset the repeat mode over and over again and have reset the unit itself several times...
  4. atiron

    Colorfly C3 Discussion Thread

    Thanks H2OFidelity, I've done that (or I thought I had) and still have the issue.  Perhaps I am not setting the "all" correctly.  I'll go check it out again.  
  5. atiron

    Colorfly C3 Discussion Thread

    I'm new to head-fi and I thank you all for the very good info I've found here.  I've had my C-3 for about a week and I'm loving it very much through my 7506s. I'm still unable to get her to play more than two songs in a row, despite much futzing with the repeat settings.  I occasionally get the...