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  1. Gyrael

    New RHA IEMs: The MA750i and MA600i

      Thanks but I already ordered the MA750i. I'd rather have the build quality anyway though. It looks more than slightly better.
  2. Gyrael

    New RHA IEMs: The MA750i and MA600i

    Well, I really can't afford the DN-1000 anyway, so I'm pretty much gonna order the MA750i unless I get a better suggestion. I really can't find anything better myself.
  3. Gyrael

    New RHA IEMs: The MA750i and MA600i

    I see. Would that be sufficiently powered by an iPod? It's a third gen nano.
  4. Gyrael

    New RHA IEMs: The MA750i and MA600i

    Not quite, unfortunately. Cheapest I see is $180 on ebay.   What does it have over the MA750?
  5. Gyrael

    New RHA IEMs: The MA750i and MA600i

    I made a thread yesterday in the recommendations section asking about IEMs, but didn't get much of a response. In case you can't read all that, I'm basically looking for a durable, very well built, well isolating and comfortable pair of IEMs that could suit my preference as a lover of how the...
  6. Gyrael

    IEM or other on-ear portables with good isolation for a lover of Sennheiser HD558s

    Thank you. Those do look very nice, but do you have any recommendations in the $60~ range?
  7. Gyrael

    IEM or other on-ear portables with good isolation for a lover of Sennheiser HD558s

    A little bit of backstory: I've unfortunately never been able to own or try many pairs of headphones at all. However, many years ago I decided to purchase my first "proper" pair of headphones and got the old Sennheiser HD485s. They of course opened a new world to me and I enjoyed them a lot...
  8. Gyrael

    The JVC HA-S500 thread.

    Quote:   They're super portable. When they came I was actually surprised at how light and small they actually are. I use these everyday when I go to school. Bus rides, breaks, etc.
  9. Gyrael

    The JVC HA-S500 thread.

    Still loving these. I've always liked my drums and bass to be punchy and well textured, and these really deliver that. I also still can't get over how aesthetically pleasing they are, and how sturdy and light they are.
  10. Gyrael

    The JVC HA-S500 thread.

    Quote:   I bought from Japan Import and it was a flawless service. I got the headphones in only 6 business days, even though the estimate was 10-20. In the box they included a nice thank you letter from who I'm assuming is the business runner, as well as a cool origami gift. The headphone...
  11. Gyrael

    The JVC HA-S500 thread.

    I got my pair yesterday! I've only used them a bit so far, but my initial impressions are really good.   I'm not well versed in terms of experience with headphones at all; as a college student, I don't have money to buy a lot of pairs, or really expensive ones for that matter. However...
  12. Gyrael

    The JVC HA-S500 thread.

    Quote:   Did you order them through one of stores on Amazon by any chance? That's what I did (the store is called Japan Import). I'm curious as to how long it'll actually take to get here. I noticed that the delivery estimate for Peru (where I currently am) was shorter than the one for...
  13. Gyrael

    The JVC HA-S500 thread.

    Just ordered my pair! Shipping said 10-20 days and I can't wait.
  14. Gyrael

    The JVC HA-S500 thread.

    You guys made me torn on whether to order the black or silver version! I was gonna get the black one but after hearing it can chip away I'm not so sure.
  15. Gyrael

    The JVC HA-S500 thread.

    Quote:   Nice. Yeah, they definitely look sturdy. And stylish, too, although I think I personally prefer the simpler look of the S500s a little.
  16. Gyrael

    The JVC HA-S500 thread.

    Quote:   Oh, sorry, I by "the two" I meant the S500 and the M80.
  17. Gyrael

    The JVC HA-S500 thread.

    Quote:   How would you compare the two?   Quote:   Thank you, I'll keep it in mind.
  18. Gyrael

    The JVC HA-S500 thread.

    Quote:   Oh, I forgot about those! They seem even harder to find, though. Also really expensive. What effect do they have on the sound? Not sure I wanna make these bulkier though, since I'll be using them exclusively on the go. At home I use my beloved HD 558s.
  19. Gyrael

    The JVC HA-S500 thread.

    Quote:   Quote:   Quote:   Thanks, everyone. I guess I'll be sticking with the stock pads for a while until I can get the blue pleathers, which I can only find on a UK website.
  20. Gyrael

    The JVC HA-S500 thread.

    Quote:   Oh, neat, thanks. If I understand correctly, velours would decrease bass though, yeah?
  21. Gyrael

    The JVC HA-S500 thread.

    Hi. New here. I've been researching good portable headphones, and my search has finally led me to these ones. I'm pretty much settled on them, and have been looking at the mods you've all been posting. I like the look of those blue HD 25 pads on these. Out of curiosity, are there any red pads...