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  1. msturevski

    Hifiman HE-400 or Sennheiser HD 650

    Hey everyone I'm deciding between which one of these headphones to buy, but not sure which one. I listen to a lot of electronic music especially trance and house, and a bit of pop and rock/metal. I also watch a lot of movies (if this even helps D:). I also like a headphone that is very detailed...
  2. msturevski

    Beyerdynamic DT 990 - 250 ohm or 250 ohm PRO?

    Oh okay. What are some disadvantages of the PRO compared to the regular 250 ohm version?
  3. msturevski

    Beyerdynamic DT 990 - 250 ohm or 250 ohm PRO?

    Hey everyone,   I have finally decided which pair of headphones to get and they are the Beyerdynamic DT 990s, but I don't know which impedance of the headphone to get.   I'm going to pair it with an ASUS Xonar Essence STX soundcard and I'm not going to buy the 600 ohm version as people...