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  1. M

    The Official Violectric V200 Owner's Club / Appreciation / Discussion Thread

    Hi xaval, yeah, I just got home and tried exactly what you suggested, unplugging all sources... I would say that this way, the background is silent, BUT, turning the volume pot makes occasional "pops"; not all the time, and not always at the same positions, but going from one extreme to another...
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    The Official Violectric V200 Owner's Club / Appreciation / Discussion Thread

    I purchased this unit from a fellow head-fi'er, it was originally bought in the spring of 2013 so should still be under warranty...   I shall investigate further. Not an optimal situation to be in. :(   Thanks again for your insights!
  3. M

    The Official Violectric V200 Owner's Club / Appreciation / Discussion Thread

    Thanks for your input Xenophon, well appreciated!   The tests were made with FLAC files using Titanium HD as the DAC; I will commit further tests with a standalone cd-player. As an additional note, turning the volume pot on the Violectric makes small "pops" or "crackles" regardless of the...
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    The Official Violectric V200 Owner's Club / Appreciation / Discussion Thread

    Guys, just received my V200, haven't really had time to appreciate it yet but it sure is a sexy-looking piece of hardware. :) Couple of questions: - I have seen numerous owners mentioning the background is pitch black, completely silent, even at high volumes; should I be worried as mine has...
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    The Nameless Guide To PC Gaming Audio (with binaural headphone surround sound)

    I've been running SB Z + Beyer MMX-300 combo for the last year or so and it has served me well. However, I recently bought Fostex TH-600 headphones and have a Violectric V200 amp coming my way; I'm about to pull the trigger on Titanium HD, as I figure a), HD's DAC is better than Z's and b), I...
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    Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)

    I came across discounted Fostex TH600, US$424 / £265 for a brand spanking new set; would it be a gross crime against everything that is pure and holy to NOT buy these at this price? The projected use would be 90% pc-gaming with an occasional movie thrown in for good measure. My current banger is...
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    Creative Sound Blaster new series Z, Zx & ZxR

    Guess I'll leave it off then as I have Windows sound settings at gaming-grade 16bit 48KHz anyway.
  8. M

    Creative Sound Blaster new series Z, Zx & ZxR

      Blimey, I think you might be on to something. Will check it later but thanks in advance!   Regarding the settings,I'll try 67% as well. How about crystalizer, is it generally advisable to have it off or on? What does it even do? SBX Bass is more self-explanatory and I think mine is set to...
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    Creative Sound Blaster new series Z, Zx & ZxR

      How are your settings in the SBX Pro Studio? I'm also having troubles, namely the volume going very low from time to time for no apparent reason; it's no "going deaf" effect after being hit by a flashbang or anything like that, the master level just seems to drop for a few seconds and after...
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    Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)

    Yeah this is massively frustrating and even leads to twitchy teamkills (or actually suicides; I only play hardcore where ricochet friendly-fire is the only mode available). :( Moreover I can't seem to find good settings in my SBZ's SBX Pro Studio, the bass is always very unnatural and there's a...
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    Creative Sound Blaster new series Z, Zx & ZxR

    Where to download the drivers for SBZ? Creative's server is apparently running on a Celeron 300A and a 56kbps modem.   I'm getting max 30kbps dl speeds and it's driving me nuts, having to wait for hours for a puny 162 MB file.  
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    Call of Duty: Black Ops II

    Hah yea I bought that one today as well. $4.99, right? ;) Are you playing promod or the vanilla mp. 
  13. M

    Best gaming mice

      Have been using a Deathadder 3G since 2006 with no build-quality issues at all.  Have further 2 new ones on standby in case this one eventually needs to be replaced, since the original one is far superior to the more recent incarnations (the combination of S3688 + the V2 PCB give the lowest...
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    Best gaming mice

    The original Deathadder 3G revision 2 A.K.A. the first version to actually hit the shops.
  15. M

    Call of Duty: Black Ops II

    Black Friday sales would be my best estimation, although CoDs seldom go for really cheap through official channels.
  16. M

    Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)

    Is this 2013 model the first proper revision of MMX-300? I've been happy with my QH-1339, I'd say it verges on neutral whereas a vanilla DT770 I demoed sounded nothing alike, that one was so boomy I thought the set was defective; apparently, that's how it's supposed to sound. If the new MMX-300...
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    Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)

      Which trouble are you referring to? That Xeon uses the same exact socket, same motherboards, same RAM... With double the threads compared to i5. Actually for Haswells, overclocking is of relatively little value since they intentionally used a very bad/cheap method of attaching the...
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    Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)

    Quote: widdyjudas   Yeah, components are well expensive here in Finland as well, China is still relatively better in this sense.   Hey but how about this: Get a Haswell Xeon E3-1230v3; costwise it's similar to i5 when in fact it's the SAME cpu as as 4770 non-k, except with no igp and a...
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    Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)

    Go for the hyperthreaded cpu, be it Ivy or Hazzy. Many games take advantage of more than 4 threads already and the trend will only get more pronounced as we sail into 2014. I'm in the process of building a new rig as well. I opted for a SB-E 3930k as it's going for not much more than a 4770k...
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    Competitive FPS gaming sound - best equipment.

    Pray tell, where in Europe can you get a new TiHD for $100? :blink:
  21. M

    The Nameless Guide To PC Gaming Audio (with binaural headphone surround sound)

    Thanks a lot Impulse and Nameless, really helpful! No love shown for Sound Blaster Z, then? I found an open box one for ~$60, no warranty but should be mint. It really seems to be between the Forte and the Z now, as Titanium HD is vulgarly expensive still here in Europe, they are asking for...
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    The Nameless Guide To PC Gaming Audio (with binaural headphone surround sound)

    Hey guys,   thanks for keeping this obscenely informative thread alive and running! I have browsed throught it but I'd still like to ask a few specific things:   Having recently purchased a Qpad QH-1339 headset (basically rebranded Beyerdynamic MMX-300) I'm now looking for the most...