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  1. Multisupermono

    Best sub $25 headphones

    So the headphones just came today and i really was not expecting the high quality of sound for these $30 (yes, i went a little over budget) headphones! For my taste i think the highs are very nice for the price (not the best but hey, $30). The mids are very very nice as well, i was simply...
  2. Multisupermono

    Best sub $25 headphones

    Never mind, i found them.
  3. Multisupermono

    Best sub $25 headphones

    About the Panasonic HT600, i can't find them anywhere. Maybe one of you guys could post a link so i can check them out?
  4. Multisupermono

    Best sub $25 headphones

    I actually just ordered the monoprice 8323 headphones because i heard the sound is pretty good, that they come with a detachable cord, that they come with two cords (one long cord and one short cord), and that they have pretty good sound isolation. For all that i spent $30! Thank you guys for...
  5. Multisupermono

    Best sub $25 headphones

    The JVC HARX300's seem like a good deal. What do you guys think?
  6. Multisupermono

    Best sub $25 headphones

    I have also been looking at the Sennheiser HD 201 and 202. What is your opinion on these?
  7. Multisupermono

    Best sub $25 headphones

    The ksc75's seem like a good deal from reading some reviews. However, some say it has too much bass over the mids and highs. Do you call bull or think this might seem plausible?
  8. Multisupermono

    Best sub $25 headphones

    I just wanted to see what you guys think are the best headphones under $25. I was having a hard time finding some solid advice on this subject and thought that you guys might be able to help . Any help is much appreciated!