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  1. selfdestruct

    COMPARISON / REVIEW (Part Deux) : A tale of two Sennheisers – HD600 vs HD650

    Absolutely. Just trying to minimise buyer's remorse here! 
  2. selfdestruct

    COMPARISON / REVIEW (Part Deux) : A tale of two Sennheisers – HD600 vs HD650

    Just did an A/B testing of these two today at the store (thus, not a full investigation like OP), just came by to say that the review is certainly thorough and matches with my limited experience with them. All it boils down to is preference in sound signature!   I personally prefer the sound...
  3. selfdestruct

    Looking for neutral iems ~$150

    Hmm, Westone UM1? I've had mine for close to 5 years and they never disappoint! I wouldn't go so far to call them neutral, but they do have nice mids and non-overwhelming bass or highs. Isolation and confort is good too. 
  4. selfdestruct

    Best earphones for under 400$

    Hi! I'm new here but I'll try my hand at some recommendations. Is there a particular sound you are looking for, or genre of music you listen to?    Generically, I'd go with Westone4 from amazon. Great mids, nice extensions either way, and I find them to be quite neutral. In my opinion, these...
  5. selfdestruct

    Headphone Sightings 2

    Saw someone with a Beyer T5P the other day. Never see these around often, least not here. Made me smile 
  6. selfdestruct

    Full ATH-M50 Deconstruction

    Wow. Definitely need to try this once I upgrade. Doesn't look too difficult. How do they sound? 