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  1. the_engineer 5vi's?

      Quote: It was stated in the deal thread (here, #8 & #9) that these IEM's on sale at Amazon are NOT the same ones listed in that thread.  I know these have a mic but how else do they differ? Or do they and am I just confused?
  2. the_engineer

    The Most Professional looking iem's or clips

    oooh V-Moda Vibe Earbud Headphones with iPhone Compatibile Jack - Chrome and Black in Corded Headphones at Thanks for that one! So far the best looks for the dough imho. Now to the meat, how do they sound? i'll do some searching around. These might be just what I want
  3. the_engineer

    The Most Professional looking iem's or clips

    Okay so after some looking it looks like the DENON C751's have it as of now. Its going to be a couple more weeks before I buy anything but if B&H's prices stick where they are on them the black ones are 105.00 +8.00 shipping. While the silver ones sure do look good they are 23.00 more so i'll...
  4. the_engineer

    The Most Professional looking iem's or clips

    Quote: Originally Posted by fyu maybe not IEM or clip on, but Jecklin Floats Alright, now that was just uncalled for. Thanks for the suggestions Those image X5's sure do hit the nail on the head for what I had in mind. The Shure SE530's are a close second and third is the...
  5. the_engineer

    The Most Professional looking iem's or clips

    Well, I'd like to say there's no budget concern here but we're talking IEM and Clip-style headphones so it shouldn't be too expensive. I'd really like to keep it under 50.00 but 100.00 is absolute max Anyways, the problem i'm trying to solve is that while at work (engineering firm. think cube...
  6. the_engineer

    Maybe an odd question

    ouch >.< Maybe something more built for a desk unit then? I don't wanna be stuck with a dead unit off of e-bay so for now I really would like to stick with current models only -.- I imagine this really does limit my selection but how about something like this thing here...
  7. the_engineer

    Maybe an odd question

    Okay, This is the "Portable Audio" Section right? Well, I've got a girlfriend with the seemingly meager need of having something to listen to while at work. She is allowed to have a radio/CD player on her desk at an *ahem* "reasonable volume" but absolutely cannot use headphones while at...
  8. the_engineer

    Some help with some Old headphones: Koss HV/1

    So, in cleaning out my parents basement, I found my dad's old pair of headphones. I think he bought them in his twenties or thirties, probably 25+ years ago. I just plugged them in and they sound pretty damn good. (I don't have a trianed ear per se, but they don't sound bad) Except for two...
  9. the_engineer

    Ya know, the DT880's don't sound all that bad unamped

    Thanks for this thread. I'm going to be getting a pair of DT-880's soon, been kicking the idea of AT-900's around, but its comments like these, that make me sway towards the 880's.
  10. the_engineer

    HELP!! -- AT-900 or DT-880

    bpr323: Thanks for your input. I definatley will be getting an amp, and don't mind doing so. I'm interested to hear your thoughts on the AT-900's though. The main reason i'm leaning towards the DT-880's at the moment is that they seem like a pair of headphones that will "grow" with my choices...
  11. the_engineer

    aKG K1000 Scam?

    I just say never buy from anyone with zero feedback. period. Sure, someone has got to be that first bider, but it won't be me.
  12. the_engineer

    Noob question here. -- please read

    alrighty. So the DAC is part of the soundcard. I suppose that makes sense. Anyone have any experience with DT880's or AT-900 and USB cards?
  13. the_engineer

    Noob question here. -- please read

    Sorry, I wanna be sure i've got this straight here though. A DAC as I know it is a Digital audio converter, something that converts audio into a format that can be read by multiple speakers (ie, 5.1, 7.1 etc...) IS there a reason I should get onne with a pair of headphones? (i'm going...
  14. the_engineer

    Does anyone else's iPod... squeak?

    I can't tel with 100% certainty, but from these photos: It appers that the HDD is directly under the click wheel. I believe that what you're hearing isn't what most people hear when the HDD starts to go bad, its just the actual movement...
  15. the_engineer

    HELP!! -- AT-900 or DT-880

    Hey, Thanks. What Do you mainly use your DT-880's for? -- As to "overkill" I'd think that movie SQ ought to be pretty high, esp with a DVD, not MP3 audio or anything. And I'd rather it be a slight overkill, than too much underkill. Right now i'm only looking at approx $100-$150 difference...
  16. the_engineer

    HELP!! -- AT-900 or DT-880

    Been here before? In a hurry? Read the bold print. Hardbop: thanks for that info, thats a major difference I wasn't taking into account. I haven't ever used open phones, but think that they may be just the key I need when playing games, as I often have to play with one ear off to hear my...
  17. the_engineer

    HELP!! -- AT-900 or DT-880

    AARRRGH Anyone have any input to swing me towards spending the extra green on the DT-880's and an amp, as opposed to my original decision of the AT-900's? I have read that the build quality on both sets of headphones is exceptional. I plan on using them with a USB audio device of some sort...
  18. the_engineer

    USB soundcard for laptop

    Thanks for your input. Sounds like i'm down to just two now then.. the M-Audio Audiophile USB or the Bit head... as the Headroom micro is outta my price range at the moment..
  19. the_engineer

    Creative Vision:M Mini-Review

    Quote: Originally Posted by ILikeMusic If you are willing to go to a little more effort there are other ways to acquire content, such as ripping from CDs and/or DVDs on your own. This provides several advantages (better quality, no digital rights restrictions, etc.) but these methods do...
  20. the_engineer

    USB soundcard for laptop

    Thanks for the input. Is there anyone who can compare the two? Or just know if the transit is worth the price difference? assuming i'm not going to be using any of its recording/digital audio features? (yet... digital reciver/MD player may be in my future)
  21. the_engineer

    USB soundcard for laptop

    Hello all, This isn't my first time here at headfi, but i've finally decided to become registered and ask for some input from you all. Currently I use my Dell inspiron 9300 to play games with a pair of sony MDR-V600's I really enjoy these, but have just been looking for something more. I...
  22. the_engineer

    Creative Vision:M Mini-Review

    can you elaborate when you say it doesn't quite have the one click media access that the ipod does? I've not used the new ipod yet, nor this zen vision, so any extra info would be great!