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  1. SonicSavour

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    Hey Ethan, didn't know you were here two. I'm immensely enjoying your book at the moment and looking forward to some room measuring and DIY acoustic treatment project.B-) I would be intested to hear your opinion on the influence of headphone amps on headphone listening. I mean since no room is...
  2. SonicSavour

    24bit vs 16bit, the myth exploded!

      Ya right. Here is what your vision alone(!) can do to your audio signal chain. No digital, no wires. Purely analog human hearing and perception. Highly fascinating field by the way. Where again was your evidence in hearing? It is true that you are...
  3. SonicSavour

    24bit vs 16bit, the myth exploded!

    Here is an interesting and highly entertaining video on the subject.   I also recommend Ethan Winers 'The Audio Expert', all of his videos on youtube as well as his articles (for example on audio perception) to clarify common beliefs. The...
  4. SonicSavour

    24bit/96 khz vs 16 bit/41.1 khz

    You will not hear a difference. As explained in this highly educational and entertaining video the bit depth affects only the noise floor of the recording and nothing more. But the noise floor of a normal CD is already -96dB below the music. I don't think you can hear that.  ...
  5. SonicSavour

    Meier Audio Daccord

    Has anyone tried the daccord on a Linux machine? I own a corda 3move and run an Arch Linux machine. I can configure vlc to directly output to the 3move, however I have not tested if I get bit-prefect playback. I hear huge improvements to the stock soundcard however, so I guess it is configured...
  6. SonicSavour

    Astell and Kern iRiver High Resolution Player AK100 24/192 !!

    I find the volume knob quite apealing, though it could be a problem in a pocket. As for the codec mess. Thanks to apple not officially supporting the flac format or any other format other than their own (apart from mp3) we are all stuck with our AAC or ALAC files. And people not buying a media...