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  1. mattdev121

    Full sized DIY Amp

    Hello, After building my first successful pair of headphone amps (1 virgin Cmoy and another with a few mods), I'd like to do more audio DIY stuff. My current plan is to build a replacement for the amp that drives my computer speakers. I'd like it to stay OP-Amp based, but if they can't handle...
  2. mattdev121

    How to reduce cmoy volume ?

    would you mind posting where you got them from? i'm trying to find some where I live (no electronics stores within 1 hour drive) and the local ratshack doesnt carry stereo pots any more , which leaves me with some mail order house but I don't want to put a $3 order in until i've got more stuff I...
  3. mattdev121

    Yet another CMoy problem thread

    yeah it works fine now, a very clean 4.5 on each side of the power supply. Only problem is that I don't have much volume control, but i'm just using a single channel 10k ohm pot. I'll run out and pick up a proper volume control later today. Thanks for the help
  4. mattdev121

    Yet another CMoy problem thread

    OOOOH wow. At least I have something to laugh about now. Looks like I made a very stupid mistake, I placed the LED and its RLED inline with the switch, limiting the whole board's input voltage to 1.5v. She works beautifully now. Sorry for bothering you, but at least I got it working.
  5. mattdev121

    Yet another CMoy problem thread

    Hey, i've just built my first CMoy amp with the tutorial from tangentsoft/audio and i've ran into a few problems. All the parts are code-matched from the parts list, and I've double checked the resistors with my multimeter. Basically, i'm getting very very low levels of volume out of both...